The Thin White Duke

Ah, there it is!

Poor Mike!

It kind of ruined the moment for me.

Something I didn't notice until after the episode: Mark Frost as the guy walking the dog in the woods.

Yeah, that was really shoddy.

One of the best endings so far.

One of the best farewells to a character on tv ever. And I loved that the end credits were "In Memory of Margaret Lanterman".

This episode left me speechless. The beginning broke my heart and put it back together again, with Nadine finally redeemed and Ed and Norma together after all the years. So beautiful. And of course, Lynch followed that up with Evil Cooper trying to find Jeffries in a scene that left me on the edge of my seat

Linda killed Laura Palmer!

He would fit in with other Twin Peaks residents!

We're not gonna talk about Judy.

The bat is not what it seems.

Does this mean we won't be finding out who Linda is?

Yeah, it's just gonna settle for some teen camp. Nothing wrong with that, though.

I can't really take this guy seriously, because he once tweeted about meeting Taylor Swift and said he was scared of her.

It's the high school soap opera version of Twin Peaks, minus the interesting weirdness.

It requires a pretty big suspension of belief to believe that they're high schoolers

There are dozens of us!

David Lynch in general is hard to explain. You either love him or you don't.

Fellow Coldplay defender here. I own all of their albums.