
I don’t get what’s wrong with the boobs. This looks like a small breasted woman who work she out—maybe a servant of somebody sort.

Wtf? They weren’t ‘retarded’. They are mentally ill. Or at least one is and the other poor girl got pulled in because of peer pressure and she was 12 (I think this is likely).

She was mentally ill and very young. I can’t imagine that she incurable.

It isn’t funny. It illustrates the problem we have in the country with increasingly fat, unfit, unhealthy people.

No you aren’t. Make less and don’t eat it. You aren’t saving anything. You’re just wasting it in another way. It isn’t actually nourishing anyone it’s just making you fat.

Wouldn’t an exception for the life of the mother at least be considered a lesser evil? In many cases, both mother and fetus would die so just killing the fetus would be the lesser of two evils. Rape, yeah, that can’t sit with life at conception.

Surrogacy is just a means for the wealthy to further abuse the masses.

People have a right to do what’s they want on their own property. Full stop. Don’t be a busy body.

That’s horrible. Honestly, it sounds like a nightmare.

These aren’t mistakes. The father was a drug addict (he is slinky complaining that cps didn’t see him as a parent worthy of reunification and I fully sympathize with him) and the first mother shouldn’t have been out drinking every weekend when her children were in a disgusting home.

Ok. My dog sleeps on the floor (normal) and in my bare feet, in the dark, I either suffle and nudge him or I step really slowly and lightly so if I touch dog (it has happened) I just step back. I doubt you will step on your child who you know sleeps on the floor. Maybe trip or nudge her with your foot. Maybe she’ll

She should get a new husband. He needs to go.

Really? I try to clean and nothing gets clean! Not that I use deadly chemicals or anything.

They do fine. They back adaptable, self sufficient adults. Not the weak allergy ridden millenials I see everywhere.

Get a life. Or a job. Or both. Maybe you have too much money? Give it to the poor and redistribute the wealth.

I don’t think your house is as bad as you said. And these people responding are either stay at home women with nothing better to do or just freaking out because they can’t imagine living outside the sanitized environment that is probably giving their children asthma. People, children especially, need bacteria. It

There is also the fact that it might not have been her fault. My apartment building has cockroaches therefore I have roaches. There isn’t anything I can do except maybe poison them, myself and my dogs on a regular basis.

We had a cat when I was growing up that did that. It was weird. But whatever.

Some of us weren’t raised to be maids. Perhaps, she’s just smarter than you and has other things to think about/learn.

Why didn’t they just call 911? I mean, the governor isn’t the best person to deal with this.