
So ladies, be sure and send all the bills for care of those infants born with microcephaly to Rubio’s office. I’m sure he’ll be paying them promptly!

“Queen”, my ass. Try thinking about someone who has less than you do for a change, for instance. Trump in the White House is going to usher in suffering for everyone who’s not rich, white, Republican, male, Christian and straight that will make Bush 2 look like a garden party. His ability to appoint multiple Supreme

We live in a small town in which the median income is well over $100K per year and houses start at half a million dollars. There’s plenty of stay-at-home mommies here who got their medical degrees from Internetz 101. (Example: I’ll bet you didn’t know that essential oils can cure everything!) Of COURSE they know more

I’m not a mom. I’m fascinated by the Mommy Wars, though. Example: Someone in our small town got savaged by the Righteous Mommies after her labor and birth went horribly wrong. She had to have a Caesarean! She allowed the doctor to give her anesthesia! (“Doesn’t she know what that does to the BABY??!?!”) She could not

I’m guessing people will think I’m weird if I stand the lawful 50 feet from our polling place in November in a Hillary Clinton t-shirt and sing “Fight Song”... I don’t give a damn.

I have cankles and a big ass. This does not make me a lesser person or not as good at my job.

YES. I like that pantsuit, especially because I’m one of those larger chicks and I’d like the coverage!

I have to admit that I wanted the navy-blue pantsuit she wore for one of the first Democratic debates with Bernie Sanders. Stylish, professional, and she doesn’t need to wear six-inch heels to be feminine.

Sorry the President’s snack food doesn’t meet with your approval.

Nerds get shit done. I’m a nerd. I married a nerd. Most of my friends are nerds.

Again, more projection. Let’s see if I can find a definition since you don’t seem to have a firm grip on what words actually mean yourself.

You might want to look into a condition called “projection”.

Samantha Bee is my spirit animal.

I wish I had this on a t-shirt. Even better, I’d like to send it to every privileged white person I know who is currently yapping away about how poor Bernie “never had a chance” and the Democrats should have come up with a better candidate. Yeah. They’re thick on the ground, aren’t they? Hillary Clinton may not have

Her “Hillary Clinton is a terrible mother” was enough to make sure that I will never, ever vote for Jill Stein. She can’t talk about policy so she’s going to take cheap shots? Hard pass.

Because the only people who think that Gary Johnson is a viable candidate are white and wealthy males.

I’m consistently amazed at women who continue to sleep with guys like these. Why do you think you’ll be exempt from their misogyny?

Journalists: Do yourselves a favor and turn in your credentials to the RNC. Seriously. Why bother covering this shitshow in the first place? If Trump can’t envision a world in which women actually have to work for a living (and I really don’t give a fuck what he claims his daughter and his wife “work” at — I’ll bet I

Of course not. They sent out multiple female on-air personalities to do so last week, though.

I realize I’m going to have to turn in my feminist card for this one, but I do not feel sorry for Megyn Kelly. She’s been carrying water for these misogynists for years now. I might add that they are the same misogynists who have spent 24x7 indoctrinating others to believe the same way they do.