
I definitely agree with this choice. Uncharted 2 is an amazing achievement, both technically and by means of its superb characters and storytelling.

I don't want these guys to be "more serious," I want Haggard to be the crazy hilarious redneck he was in the first one, and the same goes for the rest fo the cast.

Haggard better be back

@Donutta: ha, very true. Does the fact that most people on the PSN don't have a mic somehow translate into PSN being the more mature service in the eyes of Zipper Interactive?

I vote for wet jugs origami

@Clstirens: You're absolutely correct. I think color is very important as well. That's part of the reason I'm a huge fan of Uncharted 2's graphics. That game makes beautiful use of color.

The graphics are looking better. I'm really hoping that Reach is a true "next gen" Halo. A lot of people complained that Halo 3 was basically an upgraded Halo 2. I tend to agree with those criticisms, even though I did really enjoy Halo 3. The first Halo was ground breaking on the original Xbox in terms of graphics

I played as valor when I was playing the beta. They were just the most appealing to me because they were army vets who seemed to have a purpose. Raven had the high tech toys but they were a bunch of kids whose only combat experience came from training simulations. And SVER, well they were basically ex communists. So

I still debate the utility of 3D in the living room. I think it'll work for movies, to some degree, but I don't think it's practical for casual TV watching or casual gaming. For games that utilize NATAL, 3D could be kind of cool, and I imagine there will be uses for 3D in games, but I don't think it will become the

@TRT-X: Just FYI, the game involves bonus missions that take place between Chris and Jill, hence the cover.

@zedxz: This is true, that was annoying, but not as annoying as not being able to walk and cut some mofos with the machete.

@pressstart: Some plumbers caulk should patch that right up.

@Phanta: I hated the demo, but found the actual game to be a blast, especially in coop

@MonkeyBiz: I hear ya, but once I pulled that sucker off of there, she was good to go.

I just bought this game for $20 with the hope that purchasing all of the content separately would be cheaper than buying this, but now I kinda want this. Doh!

@XODIS: The "pay in only 7 easy installments" part was pretty awesome as well, especially when you consider the way Bioware introduced the Warden's keep DLC in the game.