
@(Zombie) Teliko: yeah, I think I'm going to play with the profanity turned off, because the bleeping will entertain me more.

@JasenJ1: It's cool to see how many different ways you can solve these puzzles.

@Funk Acrylic: I hear you, brother. Back when I was playing WoW, the first time my guild downed Onyxia and Ragnaros were epic. If this game can put together some amazing boss fights with friends, complete with sweet loot, consider me sold.

Blast Law, eh? Hell yes, I'm still buying this game on day one. The co-op play is going to be a blast, and I love the precious loots! Even if some missions turn into a bit of a grind, as a former WoW player, I'm okay with that. I just hope there are some interesting missions and bosses to fight along the way. Overall,

You sold me, I'm going to have to go out and buy this.

lol, that was pretty sweet.

Destructoid's review of this game made it sound like absolute garbage. I'm curious about the premise, though, so I'll try out the demo.

@NeVeRMoRe666: Same. I love the art style, the 4-player co-op, the idea of mixing FPS and RPG gameplay, and of course, the 3 bazillion guns you can get. (Appeals to my inner loot whore.) Can't wait! I pre-ordered this and Brutal Legend when Best Buy was having their buy 1, get 1 free deal on Xbox 360 games.

@Arleas: I third that. This makes me want a PSP.

@KaneRobot: Yeah, I usually buy my games from Amazon now, but with this deal, I'm having a tough time deciding between Amazon and Best Buy. If you buy from Best Buy, make sure to join the the Reward Zone Gamer's Club for an additional $10 of every $150 dollars spend in video games.

I pre ordered Bioshock 2 and got Batman Arkham Asylum for $30. Good deal. Next week, I'll preorder God of War III on PS3 to get Final Fantasy XIII for $30. Remember to join the Best Buy Gamer's Club. In addition to the standard rewards you get for every $500 spend, you also get an additional $10 for every $150 in

Mutant thumb! Knew something had to be wrong with her.

As long as Bioware fixes the combat, the Mako, and inventory management, this game could be game of the year material.

I've been playing Shadow Complex for a few days now, and it is easily the best game I've downloaded on Xbox Live. The game itself doesn't have an anti-gay message or some hidden political message. It's just a fun game that — based on this article — was developed by people who have a diverse range of beliefs and

The drug dealing continues