
@DavidinMN: Yeah, I have to agree with you there.

@DynaBlade: I own both, and Fallout 3 is taking up all of my time at the moment. It's just more interesting and engaging, but for FPS fans, FarCry 2 is indeed a great game. However, out of all the great games coming out over the next few weeks, a few are especially amazing.

@DugDawg: **correction: They "should" have used a system like in Fallout 3, ...**

Good review. I feel largely the same way. The environments in the game are beautiful, but I agree that the mission objectives are often spaced WAY too far apart. I can't count the number of times I've had to drive from one side of the map to the other, all while fighting through the same checkpoints, over and over.

Sounds good to me. Fable 2 is one of the noiseist game's I've ever played on the Xbox 360. When it's playing, the DVD drive sounds like a cross between a jet engine and a DJ mixing records at a hip-hop concert. I'll happily enjoy the silence and the improved response times and the

I thought the demo was amazing. The game controls great and the graphics are really impressive. This is the first time in a long time that I've seen any game try to pull off something this ambitious. The combat is fun and enjoyable as well.

Man, there's just too many good games to play right now. I hope to finish Fable 2, make some more progress on Fallout 3. Perhaps see what trouble I can get myself in Far Cry 2. And, oh yeah, the level cap has been raised in the Call of Duty: World at War beta. Hmmm.

@photoboy: I largely agree with you. I think she looks much better without the eye tattoo in the fan-redesigned pictured.

@manaknight: Oh don't worry, other than the occasional clunky animation, the game still has plenty of dark humor.

Well, this doesn't come as too much of a surprise. The announcement of the DSi did nothing for Nintendo stock. I personally don't see any reason why someone who owns a DS should go out and buy one. I have enough camera's on all my other gadgets as it is. I don't need my DS to take pictures, I just want to play games

@asTer0id: Yeah, I'm not sure. I have the game on the Xbox 360 and I notice some texture pop-in and characters' faces getting stuck on occasion in dialogue. My friend just bought the game on PS3, so I'll have to ask him. I was a bit surprised when Gamespot wrote:

Great review, Mike. I agree completely on your main points.

I hate the idea of having to pay for this stuff, and I've never really got into Avatars in general, but I think it would be cool if they do implement a good system where earning achievements in your favorite games gets you unlockables for your avatar.

@Doomstink: Yup, I'm having the same problem. It was driving my nutz till I looked it up on the Internet and found everyone else was having hte same problem. Apparently, if you play the main storyline, a new city opens up later on that has a functional furniture store (I think it's called the city of Bloodstone, or

I love the game. Absolutely love it! In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say it's probably the best game I've played all year long, but indeed, it has it's share of bugs!

@DugDawg: "and your own hand" = "at your own hand."

@Thorax: Yeah, the hand is awkward because they still used the photo of the right hand and then photoshopped a thumb onto it. It's weird because your left hand's fingers curl naturally to the right, whereas in this picture, the fingers curl to the left (because it's a right hand model). Take a look and your own hand

I picked it up for Xbox 360 the other day. Overall, i'd have to say it's pretty awesome. The environments are amazing, and the freedom to move about the world in any way you see fit is pretty cool too. I like how you can try how different strategies to tackling missions depending on the people you befriend in the

@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): I agree with you. One example for me is Too Human. Too Human was punished by hype and overzealous reviews. Gamespot scored the game a "5" and called it broken. I have played over a 100 hours of Too Human, and it's hardly broken. There are many things that could have been