The majority of gun violence especially mass shooting incidents is from POC with guns. Usually gang related.
The majority of gun violence especially mass shooting incidents is from POC with guns. Usually gang related.
If they were by POC that is why.
And you totally ignore those mass killings by the left. You are exactly what is wrong with discussions on this issue.
I am not sure why you posted that tweet. It is completely wrong and is just passing on fake news and a fake narrative. The shooting in Buffalo is a representation of severe mental problems and media that encourages violence...right and left. This person was on law enforcement radar and dropped the ball on stopping it…
To summarize your argument: you are astounded that playing the gay, black, feminist grievance card has not gotten this privileged athlete out of this predictament? Silly. BTW, if more people went to WNBA games then the salaries would be higher...duh.
I never thought I would find a Putin bot on this blog. Who knew? Putin has been trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire one state at the time. That is why Putin has fomented the establishment of numerous breakaway statelets. The Baltic States and Poland are part of NATO...they are part of NATO because of people like…
Thanks for throwing the racial grievance card right away. You are up-holding “The Root” standards for calling everything racist. Well done. Silly, but well done.
If she wants to go to work looking like a crack whore that is her choice. The problem is that people do not take crack whores seriously. One can only hope that she does not do any twerking during games. Texas A & M certainly can and should require some level of professional attire.
I think Wright would have been fine with this outcome. After all, he knew all about accidental shootings. The lesson is that if you have outstanding warrants, and a history of crime with firearms, do not resist police when they arrest you.
Irving’s participation in the league certainly is voluntary. He voluntarily signed his contract. If he wants out of his contract, he should either retire or buy himself out. Please stop spreading lies and disinformation. The NBA does not force blkpipo to play.
Thanks for the opportunity to read all the racist comments from your blog. Very entertaining but it really shows the lack of intelligence and innate bigotry of your readership.
Jokes are not your thing are they.
Still waiting for some evidence that somehow non-union labor is responsible for this incident. Since the armorer was a women and based on your logic, the lesson could be that a woman should not be an armorer...a PHS Admiral, but not an armorer.
Well done. Jump to conclusions immediately without waiting for facts. Just being a pro union cheerleader is not journalism...not even real blogging. You have yet to detail how a union armorer/prop master would have prevented this situation. People do stupid things all the time. In fact, Baldwin IS a union member and…
Now do Rap. Fertile targets to cancel there.
Clearly you did not spend much time with a real history book nor understand what life is like in North Korea.
And the hoaxes and over dramatization just keep on coming. In the past several days at least two claims of hate crimes have been debunked when the perpetrators turned out to be of the same race as the “victims”.
It is over reactions like this that create the large number of hoaxes. It is not surprising that kids act like kids. Duh. Hoaxes and these over reactions are used to generate victimization mentality in a group that they then use to manipulate another group. They should be more concerned about the real threat of shootin…
Why do Blkpipo commit so many hoaxes on campus? Always wait before you post simple racial grievance cards just so your followers can bathe in victimhood.
And the number of race based hoaxes gets larger and larger and eight year old kids still get shot on their family’s porch.