
Glad you'll still be around too!

That's why I think you're great. Hope to see you around!

Gonna give it a shot. Why the hell not????

I hope to see you after the switch today! You and Natureslayer are 2 of my favorite folks here at AVC. I'm on Insta as well: Cockadoody_car (Misery reference)

Where's my goddamn Bob's Burgers Netflix!?!?

I thoroughly love this movie. The beginning is so damn good… plus, I LOVE Sarah Polley and I will watch just about anything with her in it.

I actually do quite enjoy this, Internet!
Especially the fact that the author names are generated by the AI as well. Kerley St. John? Carjery Wilson? Hilarious!

…. found while cleaning behind the refrigerator.

"Half-Gate" just gets better and more nuanced the more you hear it and pay attention to it. Grizzly Bear is just one of those bands that if you're not paying attention then their magic doesn't work. But if you just sit back and LISTEN then their sounds and precision just unfold around you.

At least the video is sweet with its cute seagull love story.


I'm with you on Geena Davis. Such a great actress! Her involvement in this has made this a "must see" for me, as well.

Oh my goodness, I STILL rock to BYOP's first album. "Adventure" is a permanent fixture in my life.

The Roosevelt album is so damn good. Everyone I've recommended it to has absolutely loved it.
I'm eagerly looking forward to what he does next.

Ugh. He is so fucking gross.

She was really great in quite a few things back in the day…

OOooh very Carrie-style. I like it!

My favorite insult ever is one that I've actually gotten to use not once but THREE times in my life so far:

It's been awhile but what charity event is she doing near the end when Travis donates his bong and she puts it in "Kitchenware"?

The Lying Game by Ruth Ware. I really dig her style and her books are quite short but still interesting… perfect summer reading material with a dark "chill" to them.
I LOVED In a Dark, Dark Wood just for the setup and the bananas thriller elements alone. The Woman in Cabin 10 was fun too.