
One of the cringiest for me is Veruca Salt's "Number One Blind"… the music is great and the chorus sounds great until the lyrics "Levolor, which of us is blind. Levolor, left me in the dark". Really? Naming a plastic blinds manufacturer in a song? LAME. But I still like the song.

Damn you! Bush is a really good one! I always liked their music but Rossdale's lyrics are the WORST. So dumb!

They can be whatever you want them to be. I think some of their lyrics are a bit terrible, but I love them nonetheless and I never saw them as 'ironic'. Plus, I fucking LOVE "Rock the Shack".

I love the X over the people in the bed. NO SEX!!!

Clarissa was more like the older sister I never had; Jo from The Facts of Life was more in my wheelhouse for platonic friend. But you could do way worse than Clarissa!

“To me clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this
started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown
killed my dad.”

I hope Baskets has a clown friend named Smuttles. And let's have a Goldthwait cameo as Shakes!

And that is when I decided I actually really like Ryan Hansen.

With a voice like buttah

I remember Funhouse showing a Jack-in-the-Box style clown with a bloody axe. Oh, I also hate clowns!!!

The Funhouse and Slaughter High boxes used to freak me out.

Oh I'd rather it be Morrissey accepting the Barrel-over-Niagara Falls challenge.

Full House is the fucking WORST, but if it gives us more Lori Loughlin on TV, then I'm all for it.

I'm going to reply to you because I've felt the same way about the music section for a good while now. I've been visiting this site in some shape or form since 2007 and I've LOVED the attention music got on this site. But that has changed within the past year or so. Why do you think it has changed?

Damn you for being so awesome!

Spider Woman is my absolute favorite and it's just annoying that she is portrayed that way. Shit, she's sexy enough. No need to spread her ass cheeks, etc. etc.

Good luck, sister.

Something something Princeton Rub.

Oh now you've done it… A "mountee". I hope that misspelling was on purpose!

I would love to hear The Downward Spiral again for the first time. As a matter of fact, I'd love to go back to 94 and see NIN and Marilyn Manson again in Baltimore. One of the best concerts I've ever been to!