
Will be nice to try once the Epic exclusive runs out. Fuck Epic.

Methinks it’s because Brock doesn’t think Nick Kahn would pay him nearly as much as Vince amazingly has over the years.

Aww...you’re mad. That’s cute.

He’s literally said he doesn’t even care about making money. Now, if that’s true who knows, but he publicly said so.

I am not one for beat-em-ups. I always try with the TMNT games (but end up never being able to get far because I SUCK at them), but...man what I wouldn’t give for something more modern. Why can’t we get a modern TMNT game? You know, something along the lines of Arkham Asylum with a story and cut scenes and stuff? When

This excuse of having a bad day is bullshit. I’m sorry. I’ve had absolutely rotten days. I’ve insulted people when they piss me off. Not once have I ever thought to use sexist or racist insults to hurt them. I’m sorry, if you scream that a “female is talking to you” and tell her to do the dishes, then you’re a sexist.

Went from scamming children to scamming man-children. Seems right for Logan

This is a fair point!


Sure, in gaming I get it and I agree, but I’m talking real life items that are scarce due to the fact that physical objects can’t be duplicated.

There is literally no reason to create scarcity. If we could copy a loaf of bread in real life, we’d do it. How amazing would it be to just be able to duplicate a food item in infinitum and be able to just feed anyone who needed food?

It’s not slander when it’s true.

Give me 3 million. I’ll put it to way better use, guaranteed.

So,  it’s not coming out on PC March 30th, 2020. It’s coming out March 30, 20021. Got it.

Seriously, I just watched those today after I heard about this. Looking at the video, it really seems like they just screwed a hole into the PDC where there wasn’t meant to be one. That’s crazy to me that anyone thought that was okay!

I wasn’t acting like that at all, actually. My point is most people getting in on this scheme were hoping to come out millionaires or at least hundred-thousandaires, but the only way to make that much is to already have a lot of money to potentially lose.

Even if you did throw $100 at the beginning right before the explosion, you still would have maybe made a couple thousand max. The only way to make big money on the market is to already have big money.

Wow! Tourtiere has been a Christmas staple in my family for generations. I’d never heard anyone talk about it before outside of our family. Makes me happy that Alex made it, too!

Well, considering you lied and said you wouldn’t do crunch before, why would we ever trust you on this again?

Our copyright system is ridiculous. It is long overdue for a complete overhaul. There’s no way someone should get a copyright strike because they’re playing a game and music comes on. And why is it not up to the claimant to prove the claim? Some random streamer can’t afford to pay to defend a claim.