Really need to make Stolen Valor a Felony with a 250,000 dollar fine or 5 years in prison.
Really need to make Stolen Valor a Felony with a 250,000 dollar fine or 5 years in prison.
Somewhere around 300k or so. If its a right wing Politician they or their spouse are probably members.
I don’t know its really hard to tell which was the worst movie. I mean Ghostbusters 2 wasn’t full of sexist jokes like the Remake.
Ted Cruz does understand he isn’t actually white enough for Trump followers?
You know I actually support this impeachment. I mean we get Harris as President what more could you ask for?
I have found over the years there is zero ways to tell if an Actor or Actress will have an major career as it seems to be entirely random chance no matter how good or bad they are.
I’m going with Covid, because thats usually the cause of death for people who suddenly just drop dead for no reason. On a completely different note a friend of a friend who happened to be a Magician died a few years ago and even after the coroner was done his cause of death was listed as unknown. My friend honestly…
I think someone needs to watch a show called the Good Place. It proves beyond all reasonable doubt that anyone who claims to have a moral highground by boycotting a product isn’t one. They literally prove you will find if you look that its impossible for you to buy anything at all, because somewhere somehow someone…
Honestly they should have just dropped the consoles and delayed releasing it for console until the next gen console part was ready. Also I’m pretty sure the Stadia version was so good is because thats how they were giving it to reviewers and doing the previews.
If its going to take 1600 years for a stock to return on your investment its not going to give you profit.
Republicans believe that the Almighty Corporation and the Free Market should dictate how something operates. If the Twitter comes to the conclusion that a certain group of people continuing to be on their service will cause them to lose more money then they make if they are still on their service they will kick them…
Did anyone fly to California, from Florida after visiting Disneyworld?
Axis not access. Someone was dictating the article?
There will be more Netflix is pleased and already talking to the showrunner about more episodes.
No she is a fine actress. She is just terrible as the Doctor and given the quality of her other work the problem lies in the writing, directing and producing.
I’m pretty sure he isn’t being asked to be in any movies at all anyway.
The problem is Evangelicals and other extreme religious views. Remember the 10,000 maskless in person wedding of Orthadox Jews in New York. Actual Christians shut their churches down for online services.
He was miscast in this entirely. Gruff Loner Cowboy is not what comes to mind with him. There are other roles in the show where he would be fine just not this one. I’d buy him more as the bear or as Pan or anything else.
Yeah umm There isn’t a theater open within 200 miles of where I live also I go to the movies with my 70 year old dad so its not like I’m going to risk killing him to see a movie...
The Producers wanted to pay him 500k, he wanted a million. They settled on 800k. I still think he would have done it for 750k and an Executive Producer Credit.