We need to make a TrumpCoin it will be the biggest and best Coin. Its also incredibly easy you only need to do simple math problems like 1+1=13.
We need to make a TrumpCoin it will be the biggest and best Coin. Its also incredibly easy you only need to do simple math problems like 1+1=13.
Its the decade old surplus Best Korea version of the Chinese knock off of the Russian bootleg that is more of a problem.
You left out the part where he turned up the volume on Fox News to the max to drown out his babysitter.
Add in Micheal Cohen’s real estate work for Hannity and it become less optics and more a Giant look I did Illegal stuff over here.
Nope it was probably real, lolicon is still legal in japan. The child porn was only outlawed a few years ago. Up until recently it had a whole industry behind it.
It already has been debunked. See the price jump on items isn’t significant to offset the increase in salary which is plowed right back into the economy. It does have the problem of driving places that are hanging on by fingernails into bankruptcy.
Those rural towns that were barely holding on are about to collapse entirely as all the remaining stores and buisnesses will go under when the welfare checks stop coming to keep them afloat.
Math already proved that drug testing was a complete waste of money for us. Made Republican asshats a fortune for the less then 1 billionth of a percent of drug users it found on welfare programs.
Most Truffle oil contains zero Truffles. Real Truffle oil goes for hundreds of dollars a bottle.
Thats why she dumped it... Diaz blackmailing people is the only thing keeping it going.
Thats actually pretty easy to solve since the case should be dead now. There is zero evidence that Ollie is the Green Arrow. There is nothing the prosecution could put forth to prove it. The photo was fake, they don’t have a witness and all Oliver’s lawyer has to do is demand the evidence which they don’t have and the…
He does, how ever since he is obviously preparing for a movie role set before the invention of twitter he has erased it from his mind.
So civilians not trained like police should not be commenting on police shootings, because they have no idea what happened is what you are saying? See Police have to make split second decisions on to shoot or not to shoot and people die when they make a mistake. So when people with 20/20 hindsight call it murder based…
Yes and race was a not a factor in if he was going to get shot or not. Race is almost never a factor in any of the “racially” motivated shootings. Case in point Rodney King getting the crap beaten out of him had nothing to do with race. Other wise the African American passenger in the car would have gotten beaten as…
In the case of the guy claiming he had longer then 3 seconds yes it is denial.
Its not. Something you need to learn. Just because you think something is one way does not mean it will happen.