Because mass-shooter gun nuts are all gun hating liberals
Because mass-shooter gun nuts are all gun hating liberals
Old Police cars don’t have floor mats. They’re made to be resistant and easily cleaned. You could buy one or maybe the shop that does those mods could do it for your car?
Obviously they should be decided via beer-chugging contests
Gotta agree there. Was just talking about this with a friend coincidentally, remember when they tried a “sporty” Altima?
Hey the Altima’s trying with the variable turbo and AWD!
There’s no historic stigma. To them Buick is what GM markets them as. Which is *cringe* a luxury brand on par with BMW or Lexus. The Regal GS does look good though. I’ll give them that.
Stanced CX-5
Don’t drive with me or my sons on the Nurburgring ever again
Progressive Floridian? Must be in Miami!
“The new Toyota Estuary... go beyond the van”
You mean you want to live in a VAN down IN THE RIVER!!??
You mean like Touring? ;)
OH OH where’s those Isuzu Impulse waffle wheels?
A payment for a 2006 Toyota Camry
Well it was a nice car!
If you’re reading this you’re one of those sneaky people that reads unapproved comments anyway
“Who moderates this subreddit!? An actual DOG!??”
The only person to actually be paid by Soros on the news right now
Yeah you gotta hit him with a Hidden Blade, and then have a long, drawn-out conversation with him about philosophy before he dies.