John Doe

The line of reasoning that maybe it’ll sort itself out requires ignoring how far US has to come to just level with countries who have treated it seriously for months.

Like some others here I’m banking this is an insurance play - the outcome must be significantly different for external cancellation vs organizers calling

So a citizen gets wrongfully killed, and citizens pay the grieving family money.
That’s just a GoFundMe with extra steps.

Why isn’t the police department paying this out of bonuses or overtime budget, or better yet - union brokered malpractice insurance? As is, citizens are punishing themselves here.

Tough words to publish on a platform that started to look as if Buzzfeed had a prolapse caused by overusing a radioactive buttplug...

This is what I’ve been wondering: road trips no, but business trips and going to a resort without convenient place connection, maybe?
This is beyond my frame of reference for filthy rich though.

The RR owners are 45 yo on average, so younger than either car buyers overall (52) and luxury car owners (50).
The reason

Just because one option is NOT a dragon-dildo, doesn’t make it an exciting prospect.
Ranked choice all the way. When we’re forced to vote against bigger evil, it promotes complacency in opposition.

But if anything, being upset with available choices and still going to vote is the best example of good civics. Nobody’s

I’m really curious what new facts would help frame bursting into someones home, shooting people living there first before being shot back at, as “self defense”.

Or that same situation, but assuming the BF shot first, how that’d constitute “self defence” if they’re bursting into someones home.

And how you see no

1; 15; 16; 17. I exit work in mask, don’t want to waste another one for no reason if I want to pop-into store on my way back.

Because I don’t have lung issues of an elderly asthmatic, so the only considerations here for me are: do I want to use up another mask.

7. Yup. they’re as cute as you’d think. Hella parasite


People who live in areas with more mountains and snow than snow-ploughs, albeit for just a quarter of a year usually.

Today, on “Do Americans Know Other Countries Exist”... 

DMCVegas explained it very well, but there’s also a huge aspect of ecology and general sustainability where unlike with the ornithopters they go deeply into detail.

Well yeah, because judging from your online handle you’re of the same YallQuaeda cloth.

A Wrangler or 4Runner wouldn’t be nearly as refined or high-tech inside. Plus, they’re both old news.”

Which is not that bad at the moment. Anecdotal and universal to all models by all manufacturers, but from what I’ve heard they do suffer from quite a few First Production Run kinks, including electric issues. So

Interestingly enough, only the oldest diesels are affected - (I planned on buying a german-market diesel, so it’s a bit of a bummer). It’s supremely easy to get the green sticker, BUT you still may get ticketed with it, it’s a bit chaotic ATM:

Note what markets this is for. Sheiks can scoff at it in their petrol states all they want, but for London. Munich a lot of their family live at ?

In German cities this makes a difference to what areas can you access based on emissions. As it does in most EU, but on city-by-city basis.

What would matter more: that your

Think of what doesn’t distinguish you from them: being able to get into areas restricted to EVs.

Hence the critique of the article that designates user error as “stupid, but happens” and puts stress on deceptive marketing by Tesla.

BLM as organization could use its funding to reimburse these small businesses. Attacking them is already an attack on BLM itself, on it’s credibility and ability to break through to those in Faux News echo chambers.

This is not just the fair thing to do, it’s the strategically necessary thing to do.

This... is a pretty good idea.
If BLM used their funding to reimburse the destroyed businesses it’d kickstart a cascade of effects:
It’d intertwine BLM action with local residents better.
It’d be a clear declaration that any looting and destruction of property targeted at private property is actually an attack on BLM

From the article linked by Sassinak11:
In Manhattan on Monday night, a protest was held”
How do you describe someone who protests AT Manhattan if not “a Manhattan protester”?