Nothing bad ever happens when a director brags about a sequel.
Er, America?
I think he's the perfect host. By comparison all his guests are immediately funny and interesting.
So many tentacles and not one Japanese schoolgirl.
Lordy Cock was taken.
Angie Tribeca is great if you haven't watched any single episode.
Patently untrue. I have severe depression and anxiety issues, and if I could never find any humor in it, I'd kill myself tomorrow.
Cause, we'd have to keep her in a shed.
See, if they have went with "Scary Streisand", this wouldn't have happened.
"Revealing.. porno of Guy Fieri.. and.., mom.
Game of Cynicisms
Make sense actually. Pub food are rarely good or affordable.
I assume Lana would be disappointed if he can't pop.
WWE: The Only Entertainment Company Where Fans Are Surprised When They're Actually Entertained
I'm good with my staff.. But no gangs interested on me so far.
Breeding a race of super human vampire hybrids?
The Germans. No one can best their love of caviar.
**punches @Clever Username of Some Sort in the balls.