
I disagree that this was only to get Day an Oscar in the way that Judy was or that one that Julianne Moore did where she has Alzheimer’s (or actually a few of hers). Day looked to me like a genius inspired choice, she’s one of the only people I trust to sing like Billie...I’m not even sure this means she is going to

I’m really disappointed that this is how it turned out, I was really really looking forward to it, and Andra Day is an incredible singer.

You are right in that it is a bit like reading “The Man in the High Castle” and saying “this has been done a million times”’s not possible to put yourself back into what it was like the first time you experienced innovations...heck I can’t remember the first time I saw “bullet time” but I can imagine some kid

I was being disparaging.

The last one made the bold progressive statement that it’s okay to humiliate yourself to bang a braindead rugby player lad who’s a total assclown, will this one be similarly forward-thinking?

oh damn should’ve made that clearer: DTMFA

I listened to a bunch of podcasts and read a bunch of stuff about disinformation thing that people agree on is that the most important thing is to stop the exposure.  Cancel the subscription, block the channel or site, throw away the books.  

So, for the guy with the low sex drive...I try not to smoke weed before sex because it makes the sex too good for non-high weed to compare with but maybe you should try just asking him to commit to (a) setting aside time and doing his best and then (b) getting high and giving it at least an hour of cuddling to see if

so true, the advice is both too little (WAIT THREE MORE FUCKING WEEKS-at least two past the second shot) and too much (and then you are vaccinated and can either stay safe with strange or make an informed decision to either only bang vaccinated people bang unvaccinated people because you have been

her aunt is probably a free-breather asshole who is using this as one more campaign in a battle against propriety

do you have a citation for that?  it sounds unlikely.

even more incoherent: they will praise Darth Vader and intentionally embrace Thanos...and then put on a Captain America t-shirt and tweet about the rebellion.  


I’m going to give this show a mulligan on Rose and Melanie. They made the characters irredeemable, then pretended they redeemed them, and it’s over. They’re trying to move they aren’t doing the greatest job with Ruth and Zara (who they are just excusing because she is pregnant but who has been as bad as

I failed to consider the mythos

On the other hand, performers are performative.  But, it’s tough to gauge when the apology is a form filled out by a publicist or sincere.  If the person aggrieved is the one saying “this person=good” it’s usually the best sign there is.  If the person apologizing says any version of “things that could be seen as

You are talking about a written work, if Buffalo Bill did that I would have serious questions about why the writer decided to do that...which is what we’ve got here, see?

I’m not being eager to be offended, I was honestly offended before I realized it might be unintentional or incoherent.

Can somebody explain to me why this Heathcliff comic, having an ape play Abraham Lincoln (presumably “aperaham lincoln”), is not related to people calling Lincoln an ape for his support of black people, whom the same people called apes? I’d like to hear from somebody sane (good luck), as in neither one of our resident

There are tons of books written about engrained racism and other bigotry in works of art dating back to BC...what’s wrong with evaluating bigotry in something 30 years old on a pop-culture site? I can see your blurb on the front of the book “The Celluloid Closet”: “Some of these movies are 30 years old, get over it! I