She may be telling the truth, or it may be a complete croc of shit. Who can tell?
She may be telling the truth, or it may be a complete croc of shit. Who can tell?
@laser beams: They do release it here in the UK. It does reasonably well (I guess enough to make it worthwhile releasing it every year) but sales pale in comparison to FIFA.
Truly pathetic. I lasted 22 seconds before I had to turn it off. Post your times below!
@Delonte, Interrupted: A. I want to see if Favre's johnson is grey too.
@AzureTexan: It might not mean much from an unstarred commenter, but I humbly offer this +1.
Sorry, but I pretty much agree with the last email on this. I'm all for dishing the dirt when athletes do something stupid, but really, would waiting one more day have done any harm?
Has the 'bag of scuzz money' been dipped into A.J.??
@UweBollocks: There's more. T'was actually said bro that got the crowd whipped up into a frenzy and encouraged the woman to get her tits out.
And not so much as a "thank you duckmouth", eh Barry? S'ok... *sniff*
@Lonny Baxter's Delivery Service: Fantastic.
Look at the reaction of the little dude on the steps; his first ever look at a naked breast that doesn't belong to his mother... awwwwwww!
The first BlazBlue Collector's Edition dropped to £19.99 after (literally) 2-3 weeks. No doubt this will do the same, and I will be buying it at that price, not getting stung for £30 like last time!
@Alduron: Me. I thought it was crap. The time limit was what killed it for me.
Even better with the BennyHillifier:
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Dude Perfect is also Duckmouth's name for the Johnson in his Levi's.
@UweBollocks: Isn't it Roseanne Barr?
Roseanne looks like she lost a few pounds. Haynesworth, take note.
@StanGable: Ha, just checked and she did indeed shuttle for exactly 73 seconds. Outstanding.
@ScientificMapp: Thank you! It don't find it funny, quote or not. Perhaps I should watch Anchorman for some context. Will Ferrell in any film is usually a sure-fire indication that it's a bona-fide turkey, so I'll think twice before wasting my time.