@madammina: How much is FFXIII right now in the US?
@madammina: How much is FFXIII right now in the US?
Everyone is ignoring poor Makoto and El Fuerte, just like they do on Xbox LIVE. 50% RYUS FTW!
Careful Owen; if the Daily Star gets wind of this there'll be uproar!
Gameplay video here:
@Attilla the Hoon: Hmm, I'd try not to be too nationalistic... after all, you still have the Baseball 'World Series', and the NFL champions are the 'World Champions'! :)
@Goufunaki22: Must... not... feed... troll...
@krynn: A few minutes? That's more than enough time to make an informed judgement...
@The Gamer With No Name: Me too. The Star doesn't aspire to be anything other than it is (a rag for building-site peons to read on their lunchbreak), but The Express writers think that they are actually writing for a respectable newspaper.
@Erwin: Judging by your comment I think you will enjoy this site immensely:
@Ogbert: Haha, it's almost as if they know that they peddle nothing but pure, unadulterated shite.
@The_DarkStar: If it's on Wikipedia then it must be true!
@Attilla the Hoon: You should consider getting back into F1 now. So much more interesting since they introduced the new points system and banned refuelling. No longer a battle of pit stops, and one of probably 4-5 drivers can win the championship as opposed to the usual procession/two horse race.
@StuScott Booyahs: I'm late to the party, but this gave me a genuine 'LOL'. Excellent.
@WhatWouldTebowDo?: Outstanding!
@Phintastic: "Haha. She's almost as corny as her weave."
He's a flaming mongrel.
That reminds me, I need to watch Ace Ventura again.
@SportsCentre: lol
@EddieSuttons SouthernComfort: Hmm?