@TRT-X: Best one yet IMO
@TRT-X: Best one yet IMO
@crummer: Click on the little 'a' box beside your original comment for an explanation.
Has there been any announcement regarding the UK and Europe receiving the same amazing price & pre-order deal? No doubt we won't get it, but one can hope...
Mr. Ashcraft, when is your baby due? My wife is expecting our first child in early January. You gotta love the scans... I could see my son sucking his thumb in our 20 week scan!
Incredible fire effects. Puts the puny GoW2 flames to shame.
But did he also cross his heart, hope to die, stick a needle in his eye? Cos if he didn't, then I call BS on this.
Fantastic picture. Kudos to you, Mr. Plunkett.
@Soldier_CLE: Are you seriously telling me that you think it was fair of Mr. Ashcraft to make that comment to Ad-hominem? When he wasn't being in the least bit impolite?
@Brian Ashcraft: Wow, where do YOU get off asking that chap where he gets off for simply stating his opinion? Maybe a Stalinist purge is in order?
@jwpunk: How many World Cups have Argentina won??
@SAKY: You only need 100 headshots with each too. They're easy, half the time it's pure luck. I've been sighting them at someone's head and not getting the headshot, yet when I shot off the hip I was picking them up left right and centre.
@duckmouth: *particularly, *Scourge
@F22: All the info is on his blog. I read it all the time. Some of the new playlists sound good. I particlarly like that team killing will no longer be the courge of hardcore playlists:
@F22: Really? The gold Dragunov was the easiest golden gun for me to get. The most frustrating was the MP44 to get the Gold AK47. I stopped at prestige level 7 to concentrate in getting all the golden guns, which I have. No way I'm going to go prestige again now.
@denki: Mathermichigan?
@alb1221: I've killed just about everything thats walked or crawled at one time or another.
@KristenBal: @excaliburps: Superfluous m's FTW!!!! ;)
@Teamwork Takedown: I hear you- I've clocked over 20 days on CoD4 and very, very rarely encounter anyone who is willing to communicate as a teammate (e.g. "I see someone in Building X") let alone stick together as a group. Still, nice to have the option, and maybe this will encourage better teamwork.
@Herr Duckmouth Von Twirlenkiller: Oh, I found something:
@Teamwork Takedown: I remember them saying something about multiplayer teams having a leader, and that it was in the team's best interests to keep them alive. They were pretty vague. I guess that maybe leader will have a more detailed UAV map or something like that.