
@SW33TLOU: I'm curious, what Halo recon thing?

@Communist_Gamer: I'm with you Comrade. I thought that the MP felt cheap compared to Halo 3 or CoD4. And why wass there only one mode to begin with?

I'm with Luke on this. Little or no improvement on the last-gen iterations. They could at least update the shitty presentation. And don't get me started on the 'online play'. I used to hate FIFA and love PES; now I prefer FIFA. EA, uncharacteristically, have improved it evry year. Last years FIFA was probably the

@mixmastermind: :) Did you know that 'fanny' has a different meaning in the UK? It doesn't mean 'posterior', as in the US...

@infestedDemon: They do. You can 'Submit A Player Review' to choose to avoid that player in the future, or 'File A Complaint' if they have contravened the Code of Conduct. I've done it a few times (like when people have posted stupid racist comments on their profile or talked about raping and such) and, checking back

@Nelo-Risi: I'm sure that they'll be delighted to hear that they have a customer who is willing to not pay. MS stock will be going through the roof ;)

@Wolfenburg: Yep, I don't get frustrated at all anymore. Sometimes when I am playing S&D and win when its 1 vs. 4 I kinda feel like I'd like to hear what the people have to say... then I realise that they would probably call me a fag and tell me that I play CoD4 too much and am a noob for having a gold shotgun...

This just in: 98% of the folks on Xbox LIVE are a-holes.

@Mit: Here is one:

@EloraHRanma: Only if they cost the same to manufacture, which they most probably do not.

@LSSJ: Eh? How hard did they try? Did eBay or Amazon not have it?

It's a shame, I was looking forward to this title. Still, hopefully it is a GTAIV-esque situation where they are adding polish to the title as opposed to fixing it if it is currently a mess.

@Aye Mak Sicur: Why are you taking a shot at me? It took less than a minute to check his history. And what does being productive have to do with anything? Anyway, that's the last I'll say on the matter; I have some important and productive things to do, like make a ham & cheese sandwich. Good day sir.

@TheAngryHeretic: You may be right, they may just have looked at the numbers for all previous Crash games and said "We'll have some of that". I could do an amusing parody of how the boardroom meeting may have went (and hence gained a nomination for Comments Of The Week) but I can't be arsed :)

@Sentaiman: Jesus, what a trolling fanboy... has anyone read this guy's comment history? Check out this gem:

Does this mean that Activision saw the game in action and didn't like the look of it? I guess so. I'd be surprised if they just looked at a big list if games and circled the ones they want to publish.

@Alexander_the_Badger: Suprising, what with all the PS3s in the UK... Maybe most of them really are being used as Blu-Ray players after all? I mean, what self-respecting PS3 owner wouldn't pick up a copy of this?

@vln: Looks like two speakers to me. I hope that you don't use speakers to wipe your hole, do you? :)

I wish RE5 hadn't look so disappointing. Was the main character supposed to be invincible?