
Except he’s done that. Repeatedly.

I mean, all things considered, he’s not exactly wrong about this:

I’ve been very impressed with the response from our media and tech companies! All it took was four straight years of impotently allowing Fascism to fester and grow, a refusal to ever call lies “Lies”, a moronic desire to appear completely impartial to injustice and treat everything on earth as though it has an equally

putting aside how weirdly turbo angry you are about a guy not enthused about cyberpunk, it is weird to say twitch isn’t ‘tangentially related to video games’ because it is literally a huge space for games, and a way people experience or interact with games, share games, talk about games, it is a space that developers

While with looks in mind only there are various actors I could think of, I am fine with a good actor that actually WANTS the part, because the problem I see with too many videogames adaptations is a director and actors that act like they consider the job below themselves and don’t respect it.

There is, it’s called a reservation. You get on a waitlist, pay upfront, and retailer X fulfills shipments in the order they received them when stock is available. Voilà, no more people sitting at their computers endlessly refreshing pages or fighting with bots to snatch up the one or two consoles any given retailer

Doesn’t help the consumer and makes things more costly. Yup, fits Apple's business model.

Knowing Apple, they will make third party windshields throw a warning light and the car losing 20hp until you replace it with a genuine Apple windshield at an authorized dealer.

My mom tells a story about my Nana‘s reaction to Reagan becoming president. Nana was a teen/young adult during the depression, and her dad spent day after day wandering New York, looking for a job. They were dirt poor until about 1947.

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

I don’t give a shit if he’s right or wrong about lateness. “Dr.” Phil is a shitbag who revels in humiliating others for entertainment. He’s a toxic lump of southern-fried garbage and no one should ever have to hear another word from him again. Anyone mentioning his name in public without dragging him like a legless

“Haha, I’m personally unaffected by this, so I don’t give a damn that other people are being treated unfairly! Hooray, apathetic selfishness!”

cool, move along

There’s too high a percentage of sociopaths and idiots within our society for this to be a viable model, I’m sorry.

There’s definitely going to be a ton of confused parents and disappointed kids this Christmas.

Hot take, but Lazlow’s funniest appearance was his first in GTA 3, ironically because he was playing the straight man. His reactions to “cheap pimp from upstate Fernando Martinez,“karate expert Reed Tucker,the woman bitching how much phones ruined Liberty City or the asshole who makes his kid sweep chimneys were

I am seeing a lot of rose colored comments in this article. While Ono did a lot of things right, he did a lot of things wrong under his watch.

Agreed. At best you could say that he’s in his manic phase and is using this pointless campaign as the outlet for the excess energy, but even that explanation only stretches so far. All of the bullshit lands squarely on him being a self-absorbed jackass that got rich and famous despite having the equivalent knowledge o

Bipolar disorder doesn’t make people act like this, being a virulent narcissist does. At his core, he is a deeply shitty person. He never gave a shit about his mother because he refused to do the one thing his mother wanted him to do, which was educate himself. This is all on him, and as I said before, this is

No, there’s no problem. It’s a really dumb thing to be mad about. It’s about as significant as a non-christian saying “Jesus Christ” when they stub their toe. Who fucking cares?