
The suspicions are hinged on Niemann’s previous history of online cheating, which per the report were incidents as recent as 2020, but also due to the strange way in which Niemann behaves. Unlike most top players, Niemann doesn’t seem nearly as bothered during high-stakes competitions.

I’m on a prepaid plan and my phone number has worked with blizzard since I did the authenticator years ago. I need more actual research than like vibes from people.

I can genuinely say Kotaku’s writers over the past decade have been singularly the most amazing games journalists

It’s not just that. It’s a combination of factors. You should watch the Gamers Nexus video, he goes over a lot of it.

And the response is always “well sure, Xbox is allowed to compete same as Sony, but not in a way that makes me actually want to get an Xbox!”

That’s always kinda been my point. Like nobody is telling Sony to port Spider-Man 2 to Xbox, because that’d just be stupid.

If Triss took advantage of a brainwashed Geralt, then Geralt’s friends were in on it because no one told him about Yennefer. Everyone was glad he wasn’t in a toxic relationship anymore.

The problem with Yennefer is that her entire deal of being a completely uncaring arsehole for much of the game only makes sense if you’ve read the books. And about 5% of players ever read the books, and of that 5% nearly all of them are Polish.

Video games are so weird. Imagine going to the park with a couple of friends to play a pick up game and like 10% of the time an NBA prospect joined in.

Yeah, just thinking that tomorrow’s big story will be “So I got arrested for stealing a rental car...”

But... they aren’t.

Maybe its the Paxlovid talking, but I really don’t care if loot boxes stay or go. I do wish we’d figure it out so we could stop talking about them.

they’re not wrong, almost as if there are entire massive groups of players that like the system and game and dont read enthusiast blogs or share perspectives of the core playerbase.

Ptw is not the main issue here.

It isn’t even really broken. People are annoyed they don’t get to pubstomp every match and don’t seem to understand their connection issues are absolutely not universal. Maybe there’s a case to be made for the very top end ranked lobbies being a bit unbalanced but Respawn has always said they’re prioritizing queue

Every now and then, some Che Guevara-wannabe on Reddit writes some impassioned “Guardians of the system, unite! Throw off your chains!” manifesto on the Destiny boards that sounds very similar to the original #NoApexAugust Reddit post mentioned here. They’re met almost universally with ‘lol, lmao’, ‘touch grass’, and

I can’t help but think that if this had worked as intended, “troubled game experiences massive player dropoff” is likelier to get the game abandoned than fixed.

They’re exclusively a shady way to make money.

I vote that we ignore Polium and call it a TWOUYA. 

But don’t worry. All the cryptosimps will be here to explain to you how this fantasy is supposed to work. Well they’ll try anyway, but all they’ll really do is shower you in buzzword diarrhea while failing to provide any context on why any of those things actually matter.