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I think this video may help. I don’t know how much of it is true, because I’m not a Porsche owner, or a really rich guy, but if you guys can look behind the clickbait title and the showing of the cars (and maybe a guy that people may find annoying), he explains somewhat what’s happening. From what I understand from

Nintendo is pretty horrible in south america, but we are both south americans, and we’re talking about this in a american blog viewed by thousands of people from all over the world. I don’t think they are being paid by Nintendo directly to play it and celebrate, but I do think both Chile and Australia (probably

This is what I meant. People are seeing how much fun is playing multiplayer with a Switch in the official transmission of the confederations cup, in gaming blogs around the world, and in sports blogs too. It’s something I learned in college: you don’t directly pay every celebrity around to talk about the Switch, you

The weird thing is only showing them at the same month, to play the same game, and only post stuff about how you play specifically local multiplayer.

I really think this is marketing. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Australia and Chile are all using the Switch. Not that it is unlikely that players play video games, but for all of them to start playing, and posting stuff on social media about it at almost the same time is a little weird. Especially since nothing came up

Honestly, I think is the good old Nintendo doing Nintendo things. What made me think they would do this was the Switch reveal itself. They focused a lot on the multiplayer aspect, how you could use separate joy-cons with friends and stuff like that. It makes no sense, but they have a history of making weird stuff.

This is so good to hear. I was talking with a person on the Pokemon Spotlight the other day about how Nintendo could not make a Pokemon RPG for the Switch because the core series never went to a home console, and they could view the Switch as a home console. After the person in front of Nintendo HQ called the Switch a

Yay indeed! Just not on games that pretend to pause but you can’t pause, that was super frustrating.

The “auto-drift” part is definitely based on the arcade part, like Mario Kart. I think since the Hot Pursuit remake it has this thing where if you brake and turn the car enters in a state where drifting is extremely easy. It’s what I called auto-drifting . That’s what reminded me of Outrun, but without the absurd

I’m not really sure how much of it is motion controlled. You can see the trigger finger pressing the buttons on both the shielding and bow parts.

My biggest problem always ended up in the auto-drift part. Sometimes even in the smallest inputs the cars would engage in the drift thing and I ended up losing control more than once. It was like the car entered a cutscene when it took control away from you and the time it had to enter and exit the drift was always

The handling looks like the one in the last game, I really hope it is not.

Me too! He literally looks disgusted by her.

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I don’t know about Hitler, but discrimination is there:

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But they are not marketing it as a single player portable either. Look at this Super Bowl ad for example. The only person using it alone as a portable puts it in the dock and plays it on the tv while everyone else is playing multiplayer.There is one ad focused on single player in portable mode, and the person starts

The changing part is that Nintendo never sold a core Pokemon game on a home console. Even if the Switch is considered a handheld by us, Nintendo could position it as a home console, with the DS line as a portable, and never release a Pokemon game for it. And at this point I think this is what Nintendo will do, keep

It’s Nintendo, so it will never be about speed or graphics. The DS line is cheaper (the 2DSXL msrp is literally half the Switch one), smaller (the tablet portion of the Switch is bigger than a 3DS XL, even if thinner) and easier to carry around because the screen is covered (virtually it is always ready, instead of

This was expected. Nintendo makes sure to show people that the Switch is a home console that can be taken with you, mainly for multiplayer, instead of a portable that you can plug in the tv. It’s just weird to see this Ultra versions, because it looks like they are only being released for the sake of having new games

I think this is what will happen. Even if it makes sense to use the Switch as the only console going ahead for all of us, I really got the feeling that Nintendo sees the local multiplayer aspect as the main feature, and the portable side as a neat thing, with the DS line as a better and easier portable (it is smaller,

It feels a lot like NFS: The Run, where the game gives you a strict and predetermined path to the story and you have to do everything in order, without a open world, just some level like races. I hope it’s just the impression the trailer gives, and not how the game is.