You know what’s not in that list? A F12 TDF. Gordon Ramsay has an TDF and a LaFerrari Spider. Just saying.
You know what’s not in that list? A F12 TDF. Gordon Ramsay has an TDF and a LaFerrari Spider. Just saying.
Yes, he woke up some day, tried a car and went nuts. Don’t do cars kids, they’re a hell of a drug!
A video confirmation of Captainsparklez in case you guys need it.
Apparently not driving cars until something like 15 years ago and deciding to buy everything he can worked for deadmau5. So Captain Sparklez is not too far from it.
I can already see: “Buy this neglected Porsche before I do”
As far as I could find there was a fire on a shop called PM Motorsports in 2014 that took quite a few Porsches, including a couple of 356s Speedsters, maybe this was it?
“Minor damage, doesn’t run, needs a tow. Probably a dead battery. Can make it run for around 500 bucks. I’ve spend 3000 dollars on it.”
-Crook Reseller
EDIT: There are also other 2 Porsches behind it in the pictures 1 and 2. Someone had a HORRIBLE day.
Thanks, he promises not to go scramble on your garbage. Or maybe he doesn’t, he’s the quiet type.
Hey, what you’re insinuating about my personal mechanic? He may get distracted by food and other kind of eatable things, but he grabs fallen bolts out of the smallest places in the car like it’s nothing. And eventually tries to eat them, but still, a nice guy.
Exactly. I commented on an youtube video some time ago that I was interested in the game, but I will, probably, wait until the reviews come out to see what happens, because, in my opinion, they promised a lot of things, specially for a small studio to accomplish. I have never seen so much people finding different…
SSSShhhhhhhhh as long as we keep everyone at Rio, we can keep the rest of the country for ourselves.
And yes, mobile internet is pretty adequate here for playing GO.
As a Brazillian born and raised I am so pissed of that one of us did this. Like he was doing something important for someone besides himself. FFS....
Or maybe if you try to get away from a robbery and another robber hits you in the head you’ll wake up in a Hospital, and when you get back to the same place you got robbed the first guy will glitch into thinking you’re still being robbed and instead will turn into an Mew or something!
And with 94 million euros is not like they would have any problem paying for it too.
Or as Wenger likes to see: 76.3 really overpriced 16 year olds.
And let’s be honest: There are a lot of players that you can buy for that price. Some younger, some arguably better, and some both, because again, that is a huge price.
Yeah, I can’t see how a Tegra equipped console would fare in this whole new .5 console world we live in, where the 2 biggest names are preparing some really strong versions of their machines. I mean, the Tegra equipped tablets are good gaming tablets, but how well would they do against something like an Wii U. And…
This is just the best.
I’m waiting for next year sales. All CODs end up on them every year on every console, so maybe somewhere they have an good price for the hole package, even if I’m not that into the new COD.
I stopped reading at the second song line. That was enough for all the stars that I could give. Yes I’m a child.