
That's oddly the reason I can't stand her. It's so fake.

I personally think it's one very smart person, and one person who stays pretty quiet for good reason.

If you like having 2 parents, you'll LOVE having 2 nannies! The only reason you should ever touch your own kid is for a photo.

Considering how Jay is fully dressed and mouth unobstructed beside her, I'd call it a perfect visual metaphor for gender roles.

Glad you're not speaking for all African Americans, because that doesn't play in my house.

Jeez, I read too fast on a small screen. Chill out.

She did ART. She wore OVERALLS. Her last name was BOGGS. Ga-ross

Maybe she has Aspergers. Maybe her kid does. I couldn't tell who that was referring to.

It'll be fine. That baby will have a bad ass story to ell on the first day of preschool, so all the other toddlers know who not to fuck with.

If you grab a baby and some nunchucks to go to Arby's, you'll know you've gone too far.

But what if that black baby has a gun?

Dogs need feminism because it's hurtful to be called a "bitch".

Um, dogs LOVE bitches. They're totally down with feminism.

Replace "kind of" with "so completely" and you're 100% correct.

I know I'm supposed to be happy that her role as lead isn't predicated on her having a romance with anyone, just like how a guy can lead a story without there needing to be a romantic plot tumor. But I want her and Crane to get together SO BAD. Curse their delicious chemistry!!!

That's why I think she was miscast. They had the opportunity to at least cast a woman in her late 20s, if not early 30s. I think she was 21/22 when she was cast in that role.

I totally forgot about that!!! Maybe because she's kind of a cipher cameo character. She ends up being his "prize" for realizing the error of his nostalgia.

I think that every time they cast Jennifer Lawrence opposite Bradley Cooper. She's 23 years old to his 36. I thought she was super miscast in Silver Linings because of it. In Hollywood, the girl must be fit at all costs.

Teach her world religions. It's not just theological, it's an important part of understanding the history of how our society came to be. Then when she's older, she can make her own decisions with the full knowledge that she's choosing religion/no religion that appeals to her needs without one being foisted upon her