
My mom wanted to do that. She's taken up scrapbooking and now everything needs a photo. My sister and I told her no, under no circumstances were we going to take a smiling tourist group photo at the 9/11 memorial. She ended up snapping a pic while my sister and I were looking at the memorial waterfall and distracted,

FWIW "Remembering the work my dad and I did together" would sound like they ran the camps.

When I was in HS I joined this community based photography program for teens in the area. The point was to bring kids from the suburbs and kids from the city to different cultural spots and learn about our community through photography. Fine

He's not going to prison because he shot himself.

The only thing I can think of bigger is a HP universe slow apocalypse, where magic is disappearing and no one knows why. Which I would totally read. But mostly, I just want a wizarding world period piece set during the founding of Hogwarts.

It sounds like he was paying her for sex, but they agreed her boyfriend would be present. Maybe it was a cuckholding thing, or maybe it was for safety. Who knows. This shit is crazy.

All of the goddamn NO in the world goes to this. We'll be sending around a collection plate, so you can tithe 10% of your NO. If there's any NO left, please send it to the This Situation Is Fucked PO Box.

Basic bitch did not originate with Kreayshawn.

But "hey ladies" is the official rallying cry for any coach of a girls sports team! You can't take that away from them.

I'm glad she's not shoe horning inmore stories with the same crew, but she built a really cool world that I'd like to see explored more. New characters and conflicts set in the HP wizarding universe? All for it! I'm excited for the wizarding period piece set in New York! I'll totally see Fantastic Beasts!

It's frustrating, because I want to give her all of my money, but she just doesn't want it anymore.

What they said was " You should talk less", but what he heard...

Similarly, black hair care is dominated by other races making cash off our hair, and in some cases, our insecurities about our hair. I try to use natural hair products owned and operated by black people, and- superficially at least- it seems easier to find natural hair products made by black people than it was when my

There's going to be a season 2.

Speaking of Bletchley Park, Bletchley Circle is such a good show.

Tiny quibble- I've worked at both Taco Bell and McDonalds, and if they're not making their money they will let you go in the middle of your shift and just move everyone around as needed. Since I was young, dependent on my parents and only there for summer jobs, they'd usually send me home and keep the older workers or

Girl, bye. You don't get my respect just for being.

I HATE the obsession black men have with women who have their own money. It's not just rappers and singers who write songs about it, it's average, ain't got nothing fuck boys too, always talking about independent girls who have their own money like its a novelty. I know Kim is white, but black women have ALWAYS held

Politeness and common courtesy is a given, respect is earned and lost.

Happy Birthday!