
Heh, now gestures would have been great when I first converted from sense to cyanogenmod... swiping right instead of down was a killer to remember :-)

@Netscott: Nice! Holy inappropriate music though (Armin van Buuren - Exhale as I happened to notice)

VOTE: vim

@tomsomething: Yeah, the music certainly made the video something to watch. Reminded me of the soundtrack to The Thomas Crown Affair.

@lpranal: Love Surly, unfortunately my wallet is not big enough or I'd have gotten a steamroller instead of a fuji...

@dcdean1: This does not apply in the article case, since you are talking to the mailserver who "owns" the address, hence it is not relaying.

I'd love to replace my doorbell with what's known in swedish as 'saftblandare'... Don't quite dare play with the apartments built-in buzzer, for all I know it's 220V.

Impressive. Even more impressive if you compare it to the rest of the pc casemodder scene.

I'll chime in with the rest of the guys here, just boil fewer potatoes... OR... Keep the leftover mash until tomorrow, fried mash potatoes is absolutely delicious.

@MarcusMaximus: Exactly, a whole slew of the older phones have practically the same internals, all of which are on OpenGL ES 1.1.. No wonder it's slow on them. I'm a little puzzled as to how what is essentially a bunch of 2D sprites must have 2.0 though..

@o0RaidR0o: Well, here's a present for you then, I am not used to working in windows, but perhaps it will help... a friendly installer that gives you a windows SendTo item for installing android apps.. :-)

@cc: Or even simpler, adb install app.apk

@Eptin: Oh, I just have to promote you for linking machall :-)

@Hexapus: You made me think of the various diaries from Myst IV :-)

@Graviton1066: Not at all, you can easily accelerate slowly enough for human transport, with a sufficiently long track.

@grimjack28: Sorry, I was quoting the movie Pi, I should have used italics.

@grimjack28: 11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.