
I don't know about using my ringtone as an alarm, I prefer not to be jolted awake. Instead I have these really nice alarms cut out from the voice samples of half-life (the tram voice) and the G-man from the beginning and end of half-life 2... (Time? Is it really that time again? It feels like you've only just

Aww, I was hoping for a creepy breathing action.. :-)

@Super Happy Hats!: It's likely because the phone isn't a usb host; the chip inside it can be made to operate in host mode but this requires a non-stock kernel.

Adams himself told the story about the number in a radio interview to the BBC.

@JohnnyricoMC: Well, they do work on their own, though. Personally I build my machines with the very same arctic silver 5, this is however apparently a first build, why make it more complicated? Removing the stock ones are a bit of a mess as I recall from the one time I had a stock hetsink :-)

@tomsomething: Sounds like something for a live wallpaper.

@iAndroid: Looks like everything fits together.

@funstraw: A tip I heard about (but have no proof of functionality) is using the polarisation of your antenna to slip trough the cracks in the radio noise. Turn the articulating antenna on your access point horizontal or something inbetween...

This might be attractive to owners of nokia E71 and the like over on this side of the pond (apparently). I recently got an argument that a portrait hardware keyboard somehow is attractive.

I don't get email. *sob*

@Mike Bartlett: While it certainly is popular here (I confess I breakfast on it workdays), I would say central europe like swizerland is much more of a müsli-centric... *pins donkey*

I'ts like a linear Rock'n'Roll on Amiga, I loved that game.. :-)

Remember that screen has its own 'stop' feature, so pressing <command key>^S will stop the current screen, often to the consternation of new users who then go on to reconnect and start a new screen... To resume, it's—just like regular terminals—<command key>^Q. Save your sysadmin work, conserve resources :-)

Now give us a large e-ink display connected to an epub app!

@rajivvishwa: Are you quite sure you don't want to add 111 to that?

@ripfire: You can easily get "sample" batches of ICs like OPAMPs and stuff from said companies as well...

So, I just plug my Hero in .. oh wait.

@Aertryn: It's amazing, we had one about this magnitude when I was working last winter, green glow flowing from horizon to horizon faster than any cloud. Safe to say I took a moment to stare... :-)

@drilon: Great book, here's a bump :-)