Scott Bakula

and let me guess, it will be first-person like every other damn game that comes out nowadays.

I appreciate the reporting on things like this I guess, but I can’t wait for the time when this ISN’T news and it’s just a regular gay character.

A FPS. My god, what a joke.

Waaaaaah. How old are you? Shock humor: where everything is allowed. Thicken your skin. You can hate the joke and still support the cause. You don’t have any more rights than those who can see the joke, just smile, shake their heads, call them pieces of shit, then a minute later get over it.

Oh get the fuck out of here. Talk about making mountains out of mole hills. Arrested for a light shove? (and that was a shove by the way, not a kick). Was it lame? Ohh yeah, should be more aware and have more self control, but he didn’t kick the guy and there should be no punishment for a light shove.

Absolutely nothing to apologize for. You shouldn’t apologize for something that makes another THINK of something indirectly. Ugh people are such little babies, making demands of others because they’re soft as puppy shit.

Can I dress him like Steve Urkel?

That’s awesome, but I remember not knowing wtf the game was when I played it so I didn’t know what was around the corners, if there were supernatural, creepy elements involved, ect. So, people reading “something about hope and love” that definitely takes away from the original experience. Still worth it though of

Exactly. If I can push aside the dozens of reasons why people loathe this guy, quite simply I just don’t even think he cares about being the President and leading for some selfless reasoning. It’s more just to satiate some piece of him. Sure, every President probably has a piece that loves having their names forever

It’s just shock humor. Get over it, all of you sensitive people.

::Eichel goes down::

Well, the pieces of crap of Disney Interactive cancelled Avengers Alliance 2, so I’m going to give this a try.

Dead on man. Disappointing thus far. You know what I CAN hum though? Henry Jackman’s First Class themes. He does great work. Soundtracks seem to be taking a back seat too much, where in, say, Gladiator it was a part of the whole and memorable. A shame. I hope Spider-Man brings something memorable to the table, but

So you can only celebrate something when you or a group is the direct cause? Here’s something, and I know this may seem crazy..but they may just be celebrating........because ::gasp:: the result of that play is favorable to the team!

Oh yeah, that’s just what this sport needs, multi-tiered penalties with values where some offset and some don’t in this already mess of a sport. Offsetting penalties are fine, especially when the defender was headed for the abdomen and in split seconds Cam leans down from throw motion, head leaning into the ALREADY IN

Exactly, especially when an action is catching fire from some clueless, attention diva meathead who is calling an entire group “pigs” and has no idea what change would look like anyway.

THANK YOU Tom. This was one of the worst things I’ve seen HBO do in a long while. All of my friends who love it just either aren’t seeing how these characters are written terribly, or just don’t give a crap and see it as means to an end of the show. His lawyer getting caught on camera TWICE was absolutely asinine. And

This is widely known by now, but I appreciate the graphics. I know Alexander (2004) wasn’t great, but they really hit home the colors and patterns of the time in the scene where he enters Babylon.

Great for Chicago. I’m tired of thin-skinned whiners who only make excuses for particular selfish reasons, hiding behind a facade of righteousness. This is university level. Get over it. Time to get out from under your blankie you brats.

Yeah who gives a shit. They’re just trying to put any “article” out there. The goings-on under the water for the SPORT matters more.