Why is this person unnamed? Why is the racist being protected? Name and shame this piece of shit.
Why is this person unnamed? Why is the racist being protected? Name and shame this piece of shit.
What a bullshit argument. By this logic white people running around saying the n-word but “not in a racist way” is a-ok with you? FOH.
Or just be a white version of Lifeline. Fucking moron.
Also Brian Cox voices the Director. Always loved his performance in this game. He sold it really well!
“But during the course of the meal, Sims will just get up, their food half eaten, and do something else. Why? You’re still hungry! Just sit, just freaking sit!”
ctfo - scrap an entire game that hundreds of people worked on because one voice actor broke the law? Fuck out of here.
Rotting? What the hell was it made out of?
Pegg is, indeed, now totally ripped, in a kind of visually upsetting way.
Nah. Fuck off with this nonsense.
Give this woman a raise.
Yes. You. Can.
Outside of physical comfort, there is nothing wrong with this earbud. It comes in especially handy when have forgotten to charge my bluetooth set. Stop hating.
Spot on. Nathan needs to check his dumbass head with this comment.
This is a next level version of folks who talk extra loud on their cells or in groups because EVERYONE has to know how important their conversation is. Fuck these idiots.
Becky Wilson. Sounds about right.
How can someone be a grown ass adult and not know what blackface is and why it’s offensive?
Someone is not familiar with the order or pace that Bethesda develops their franchises at.
The fact that it’s Melty Blood makes this so so so much cooler.
Thanks for ruining my streak of avoiding seeing Phil DeFranco’s dead eyes staring back at me, Kotaku.
RBC - no one calls it “The Royal Bank of Canada.”