
Manuals used to be the frugal option. But then automatics became objectively better than manuals in every single metric, including fuel economy.

I followed this story from the start and this story is no different than the Disney story: Desantis weaponizing his political power to “ Get back” at anyone or anything he doesn’t like. The man is very immature. That is what its all about.

Dude, go fuck yourself and get stage 4, terminal pancreatic cancer. Stupid fuck

I want him to live. I dont want him getting suicided. I want him to spend the rest of his natural life sleeping on a concrete bed eating shitty food alone with no one to hear him and getting to spend one hour a day in an 11x19ft cage where the only view is of the sky. I want him to live in the polar opposite of how he

Desantis is just an asshole. No actual agenda, no actual interest in governing. Just the abuse of power going after people who don’t fit his ass-backward ideas. Fuck him. And oh BTW, Happy Indictment Day! Hope that fat fuck gets his ass thrown in federal prison and drops the soap the first day

Meatball Ron is all about doing as much damage as he can.

When I drive around Detroit proper, paper tags and dealer plates are extremely prevalent, especially on junky cars where it makes absolutely no sense.  I’ve always wondered why this phenomena existed or how people were getting these plates... now I know!

I love that you guys go after yourselves with the Belle Isle Crash. Its the car reviewer equivalent of getting kicked out of an Applebees

First, you don’t want cops shooting people, and now you don’t want them running them over, too? If you keep boxing them in like this, they’ll have nothing left but to actually do their jobs!

“God Damn Jonas brothers Im gonna fuck you up... haha”

As funny as all of it is, I think the best fireworks are going to come from the DeSantis vs. Disney pissing match. The mouse’s lawyers are going to have their way with that dope.

The specific situation you described, no. That should not be a crime.

I wouldn’t use the word victim here - these people bear responsibility for their actions - but people can commit crimes, and still be products of their economic and social conditions. Here’s a cool trick: you can be angry at and empathize with a person or group of people at the exact same time.

Well then how is one supposed to achieve erection if they can’t fantasize about *defending their family*?

Older NASCAR was fire. Tide car was my jam for a while.


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The GoDaddy.com NASCAR sponsorship of Danica Patrick. Bright, lime green liveries are always fun, and the commercials were...interesting. Now, whether this was the best or worst thing to happen to motorsports is debatable, but at least the car looked cool.

Are you saying that it’s time to unpimp ze ride?

Now playing

Hard to distinguish between all the awesome specials they produced, but for a single segment, my go-to is Jeremy and the Reliant Robin. Can’t watch it without violent fits of laughter, and I’ve watched it many times... Yes, they messed with the Reliant’s differential to make it easier to roll-over, but it’s still