I thought I was just THAT high the first time I watched it. I could not believe what I was watching and just sat there giggling like an idiot through that whole scene. Watched it again... definitely was THAT high but still giggled the second time
I thought I was just THAT high the first time I watched it. I could not believe what I was watching and just sat there giggling like an idiot through that whole scene. Watched it again... definitely was THAT high but still giggled the second time
Insurance guy here. That passage is a bit misleading and doesn’t really apply here. This is talking about accidents where multiple parties are involved and how much you may recover under the other person’s liability insurance.
My house has doubled in value in a little over three years. Hell, it’s gone up 5 digits since we had it appraised for our refinance at the end of June. This is such an odd situation to experience
Exactly where my brain went. Thought “damn, this is getting into Golf R territory!”
Ok, I understand trying to apply empathy so kudos for that. But maybe, just maybe, groups like the FOP and individuals within those police groups should stop supporting ideals that continue this reckless approach to firearms. If they are so terrified that they will shoot an unarmed person because they are jumpy, the…
Deep cut FTW
Today: its more like 24 cars and 2 private jets. Source, as an MBA Student: I just did an “investigation” into Bugatti for one of my classes.
As in the only generation that could afford them new? I’m still shopping and waiting on the right Viper. My heart was sold when I built my first GTS model in 1994. I saw one Mr. Papagiorgio cruising in a Viper in 1997 and that was the moment I knew I had to have one
That was the piece I was missing. I applaud you and yield the floor, sir
Correct me if I am wrong but a tax credit doesn’t reduce taxable income but taxes paid. If the $7500 was a deduction it would impact income as you mention but the credit would apply to everyone, often resulting in a return when you would otherwise owe
Very much so after two episodes. They are covering a lot of ground for only having six episodes
Reference to the first episode of Falcon and The Winter Soldier
I’m currently stuck with the Ragnar Lothbrok snake pit quest. Can’t, for the life of me, get the cut scene to trigger. That pisses me off but the other bug I’ve actually gotten a kick out of was the Ostara drinking challenge in Ravensthorpe. Every time I try it, my opponent spawns facing away from me and inside of…
Did you ever end up doing it? I found this article this morning and put Return of Saturn on while answering emails. I think “Ex-Girlfriend” and “New” kick legit ass. I’ve always had a soft spot for “Bathwater” as odd as the content is. “Simple Kinda Life” is catchy for what it is. Other than that... meh. Pretty much…
As calm and serene as you want it to be. My ‘05 4Runner with the 2UZ has been bulletproof. I am about to hit 140k. It gets me from A to B when it doesn’t make sense to drive my Miata or my wife’s plug-in Optima. Great for the dog. It’s my dad car before being a dad
Austin is damn near as bad. Being from Ohio, I was like “it’s just some ice, guys...” But that means nothing when no one understands what ice on the road means. Especially when there are big ass hills
I have tried it on my ps4 pro and now my ps5... Both crash at least once an hour. I was playing on my PS5 and my pants disappeared, just unsocketed. So there I am, cock out. Go to put on pants and all it did was make my dick disappear like a ken doll and then crashed. It’s shelved until 1.08 for me, most likely
drummer here. was reading this going “come on guys, don’t bite. let’s just take the L and move on.” And then...
Does BMW remotely brick your car if you tinker with the tune? No snark, honest question
Keep going... It's like you're writing me an automotive "Dear Penthouse" letter