
Call me crazy, but the column on a column chart should probably represent the actual data and not grow on mouseover because it looks cool.

But they didn't fix everything. Here is a list of problems with the Xbox One:


I agree, MS could add huge value to their Live membership if they attached these features as an optional bonus. Though, with hindsight, now that move would cause a lot of groans from people who expected it to be rolled into the system for free. Heck, add to that the removal of required Live for Netflix, etc. and Live

Sorry to burst your bubble but you can play Steam games offline after you authenticated them at install.

I would rather both buy a PS4 and complain about the XBone, thanks. Skipping the XBone doesn't mean I can't express opinions about it. Honestly I might not even get a PS4—paying for multiplayer isn't something I'm looking forward to—but if I had to choose between the 2 consoles it's a clear choice.

Can I just say that I'm really angry at Microsoft and Sony for effectively politicizing my hobby?

When the SNES and Genesis were out, the difference between the two was in what games you wanted to play. Sonic or Mario? Final Fantasy or Phantasy Star? The console was all about the games. Same thing later with the

Seriously. My favorite ridiculous analogy from this interview was the iTunes app store / iPad comparison. I can't believe he seriously thinks these are comparable situations. I sync my iPhone to iTunes maybe one a month at best. Apple doesn't disable all of my games and apps just because I go more than a day without

Ugh, I'm so sick of the "we need 24-hour connections because our games are always being updated" excuse. It's total bullshit. MMO's are also undergoing constant updates but they don't force you to check in on a fixed schedule (even when you're not playing) to get them. You log in when you feel like logging in and get