
So for a $15K tax refund, you’ve got to pay money upfront and get it back come tax season, right? So why the fuck would anyone think that’s a superior plan to just giving first-time or first generation black homebuyers money to buy a home WAIT NOW I’VE GOT IT.

Please tell me that was intentional misspelling because I need the idea of an even more terrible off-brand/bootleg Herman Cain existing. It is honestly hilarious.

Bomani’s leaving? Damn. Well, i have no reason watch now.

I’m mixed and when people don’t believe I’m part black I will literally bust out my family pictures. I would never deny my African roots no matter who is talking. Women like her make me sick. She has so much self hatred and wants to be white so bad. I’m proud of my roots. Nothing to be ashamed of. Her parents

In my mayonnaise world, I recall certain liberals hustling to correct in dinner conversation that he was the first “half-black” POTUS for a few months after his election. One or two even slipped and said, “he’s half-white, you know”.

Sage is just padding her Outk*ck/B*rstool (especially the latter after that rape culture enabling comment) resume at this point. They’ll love her over there.

Remington > Sage. 

You know, for a guy who normally runs over the other team so he can take the shot...

The line about “I disagree with your opinion, but I’ll defend your right to have it to the death” fits for Kyrie here.

Of course Andrew Wiggins would fold. For starters he’s not that good or irreplaceable, and he’s got money, but not Kyrie money. Kyrie is a true believer. He’d rather leave the game and walk off the edge of the flat-earth, than be told what to do.

“I make my own decisions.

Katie dialing 91 on her phone, just in case. 

I can’t speak to this interview, seems like she might be overreacting to his disdain for these type of interviews. Denzel Washington does have a bit of a history as being a pain in the ass though, ask Joie Lee, Cynda Williams and even Josh Brolin have had some issues with him. Lee and Williams were both pretty

Ah yes, “the Black guy made us do a racism” is a tale as old as time

“One Caucasian and one African-American boy were involved. It was the African-American boy who actually made the sign, already marked up and took the picture,” Windholz said. “This by no means makes it right but should shed some light on the situation.

As Crystal Minton, a prison worker in Florida, put it, ‘He’s not hurting the right people.’

Since the vast, vast majority of people who actually do use indisputably illegal voting tactics like using dead relatives names to get an extra ballot, registering at multiple addresses to get multiple ballots, straight up driving to more than one polling place to vote twice, simply throwing ballots away are like 98%

Only by changing the arrival and departure times to make the trains timely after the fact. That is literally how Benito Mussolini “made” his trains run on time. People who objected to this new definition tended to suffer completely unsuspicious totally random accidents, like accidentally walking into a dozen bullets.

So, how did the lowered illegal voting penalties, which sounds like it goes against the entire point of this bill, make it into the fold in the first place?

Seriously, WTF do these people think gives them the right to tell someone, ANYONE, to leave a public space? Telling a person of color to “go back to where you belong” is ALWAYS a provocative escalation tactic that NEVER ends well. I guess these people are so racist that they can’t even help themselves. Fox News has