Torchinsky is to taillights as Tarantino is to feet.
Torchinsky is to taillights as Tarantino is to feet.
I bought Norm’s book based on Sean’s review. His assessment was not wrong. Brilliant.
“Being born and raised in the West”
i love Kristen, she is beauty, looks very good and very good actress too..!!! – hema, cairo, Egypt, 2014 probably
There’s no way. The Office, like the rest of NBC’s Thursday night lineup of the time, was much like the AV Club’s commentariat of the time - full of fun and creativity. It could not exist in this current joyless environment anymore than a flame could without oxygen.
AV Club reviewer in 2023:
I expect to see plenty
Whaling is a touchy subject when you’re discussing the Japanese
Cocaine has no place in the entertainment industry!
500,000-1: It’s Kevin Feige himself. Not playing a character, just the literal executive producer Kevin Feige in his baseball cap, breaking the 4th wall.
Yeah, I think the AVClub is fundamentally misreading what the show is telling us.
Are we pretending he won’t be in [redacted] first?
Steadying his massive elephant rifle against a well positioned rock, the ‘Housing and Zoning Inspector’ for Troy Michigan, calmly emptied his entire stockpile of high-powered ammunition into the engine block of the “Excursion” Jeep.
That sounds horrible but what if there had been a water slide at the beginning of the story?
“Jane of Morgantown” almost writes itself. A disillusioned veteran of the Morgantown PD is ready to retire and live with her fiance in Lebanon (PA, not the country), when she is called to investigate what appears to be a routine crash of a buggy... only to find there is no trace of young Johanna Speicher and Emma…
Seriously though, while the Canon-7 RF f0.95 50mm lens ain’t all that common, I’d hesitate to call it “rare”. Hell, I’ve seen more of them in Austrlaia than Nikon F-mount f1.2 50mm - or even Pentax f1.2 50mm...both of which were made for decades after Canon stopped making rangefinders, and for lens mounts that are…
The most kick-ass is Conan the Librarian.