
So this is just proof that it has to end Newhart style, right?

If Tiesto, Guetta, and Page are gods of techno, call me an athiest.

Editing this film should have warranted hazard pay.

Who the fuck is Coulson?

I almost put that, pretty much a coin flip for me.

Not going to repeat any of the great numbers listed already, I'll just add "What's This" from "NIghtmare Before Christmas" and "Sorcerer's Apprentice" from "Fantasia"

I agree, although I felt like he was holding back until this tune so I was really shocked at how good it was.

Shadenfreude and "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" are my picks from Q

I sort of wonder if Soderbergh was not being genuine, that this was his way of insulting the film. "Its such a shitfest that I could spend only 3 days with it and come up with something better."

Tori is not 19 anymore either. I guess fun and tragic works at that age.

I'd be really disappointed if, during Ballmer's segment, nobody in the crowd yelled out  "Developers!" like they were at a rock concert.

"The Lighthouse Tavern occupies the bottom floor of an apartment house in…" zzzzzz

When will the conspiracy of producers reveal the twist that M Knight is the star of a studio "Truman" show game where they keep greenlighting his films?

Everything I've read about it seems to be her downplaying it and can't understand why people keep bringing it up. Also that the call to recast was Lorne Michael's to make (w/network pressure) and not Tina's. I can see how the press's narrative makes sense, even when the real world doesn't necessarily agree.

I find Rachel as Jenna interesting since it seems like the character is loosely based on her anyway. How tiring would it be, though, to keep dredging up the worst events of your friendship and reenact them on set for comedic effect? It was probably good for them to put a little distance between those.

The "scrapped pilot" link only played an ad for me, had to use the buzzfeed link.

Reeves happened. Maybe sofia was a fan of bill & ted's and talked dad into casting him.