
Ours are grown locally. (I live in a county where avocados and lemons are the main tree fruit, so perhaps our soil is particularly conducive to avocados..) However, I always feel like avocados are tricky. You have to wait and wait for them to ripen, but then all of a sudden they are overripe.

Leave the pit in the other half. The surface might oxidize, but the rest of the avocado will be fine. (Native Californian, here.)

Kelly Bishop is so amazing. I loved GG, in part because it reflected my weird family dynamic with my parents. Whenever I watched it, my husband would walk in and say, “Oh, they are just like your parents.” Bishop walked the tight line of being controlling and unreasonable and yet showing great love for Lorelai.

I loved the pilot! I’m so excited.

Me either. And I really like him, so please, please don’t burst my bubble. 2017 is sucky enough as it is.

Michigan has a 2016 law that specifically prevents this.

Rapist/pedophile. Maybe he didn’t understand that 12 year old girls aren’t adults?

I love Arabella, which has a hilarious dog in it. Also, Frederica is one of my favorites.

Sarah MacLean, Julia Quinn, Loretta Chase — I like historical romances. Also, all of Georgette Heyer. With 45 in office, romance novels are my go-to way of coping (along with a lot of wine).

I live in California and am planning to stay here forever. I can’t risk my kids’ well-being by moving to a less-blue state.

There’s that John Grishman novel/movie A Time to Kill, where the father of a 10-year-old girl murders her rapists before they go on trial for the crime. Pre-kid, I was like, “You know, it would be one thing to kill them if they were acquitted, but here he hasn’t let the justice system work.” Post-kid, I was like,

Even though LuLuLemon is a hideously racist and sexist company that abuses its workers, it makes a great non-slip yoga map. I felt guilty buying it, but I am a sweaty-hands-and-feet girl and kept slipping on all the other mats I tried (even with those special towels you can put on top of your mat).

If you look at his c.v., he studies the intersection of sex and religion. Most of his funding seems sketchy, although he did get an NSF grant to study HIV/AIDS in Africa. His research looks legit until after tenure, when he let his whack-jobbiness show.

The GOP: “Every fetus is sacred, but fuck you if you are born poor, or not white, or female, cuz we are going to our best to deprive you of education, health care, employment, and housing. Tax cuts for the rich!”

I just came here to say that I hate Tom Cruise.

So, did NBC hire her and now can’t figure out what the fuck to do with her? Didn’t she have some kind of tv news magazine thing first? With the terrible Putin interview? Is this, like, NBC’s third attempt? Just save us all and buy out her contract already.

Here, I fixed it for you:

Yes. I saw him on the Late Show and it made me really hate him. I believe in the progressive policy agenda (especially health care for all), but his willingness to take credit for the resurgence of the progressive movement was super annoying. He happened to tap into a sentiment shared by especially millennials, but he

Tetanus needs a booster every 10 years.

Get a tdap booster. If you were born in the 1960s, the vaccines you received can lose effectiveness. My friend, though fully vaccinated as a child, contracted pertussis two years ago (thanks non-vaxers for allowing its resurgence in California!).