@Serolf Divad: Yea I hear that is a nuisance with the crown vic in areas where there is a lot of snow. You'd think AWD would be the way to go but maybe it is too expensive and costs more to fix
@Serolf Divad: Yea I hear that is a nuisance with the crown vic in areas where there is a lot of snow. You'd think AWD would be the way to go but maybe it is too expensive and costs more to fix
Ehh? "the first 1.5tb external hard drive.." How is this the first? I just bought one on newegg with usb 2.0 like 3 weeks ago. Me thinks less biting on harddrives and more focus on Editing titles is necessary. I think you meant to say "The first USB3.0 1.5TB hard drive is from Seagate". You can start paying me now
Guess I'll be the first to say it. PHOTOSHOP'D!
@Sluiced: ROFL! just watched this web redemption on Tosh.0 so I get it! Good call!
@DssTrainer: Just give us some games about sword fighting and use the wand as a secondary OPTIONAL attachment. Don't make the wand the primary controller. It's for weapons, not opening doors and taking showers
@DssTrainer: but so far.. from this game video.. rising my controller up to get the guy to stand up is pretty retarded. If I'm wagging the wand up and down like that, it better be a game about jerking off
Well they had manhunt and Res Evil that used more wand action just like this (shake your wiimote up and down to shake off someone, shoot it straight up to hit someone in the mouth with your head. It was terribly stupid and the secondary nunchuck walking was too loose and hard as hell to use. Hopefully move handles…
Thank you Garfield for putting Abu Dhabi on the map!
unnecessary much
The latest leaked Evo update has done wonders for my battery. I used to be half-way dead by lunch from light use. And dead by the evening. Now I still have 60% by the end of the day. Can go more than 2 days without charging. It's amazing
this was like the first app i downloaded 2 months ago when i got hte evo. Not worth a blog entry
@adamchugg: Same with the others. On my first install it took 3 tries. Then I put a custom rom on the Evo and it took 10 times. But once you get it to work once, it works on the first try thereafter
I'm fairly certain I've seen these before
@Cabarnacus: Amen brotha!
@Porkbun: Agreed.. as long as its not vaporware, it's alleged specs blow everything out of the water
Cmon! bring on the 8.9" versions. 10" is too big. 7" is too small. I want the "just-right" size
Wow did we travel back in time to 4 weeks ago when this first came out?
@Lassus: Well the tablet is the successor for sure. Netbooks laid the groundwork for the smaller pc.. tablets are the evolutionary step. Once we start getting tablets flooding the markets, netbooks will be dead.