
Er, that'd be "torque," not "toque." Toque is Canuckian for a knit hat. Sorry. And now, back to the flame session...

How about this previously noted engine (here on Jalop)?

Alternate solution for economical muscle car power: turbodiesel!

John Mahoney is rough around the edges but he's trying; plus point for that. On the flipside, bloke has got to relax; forced humor isn't funny.

@Yurikaze: Wow. Exceptional analogy. Well done.

*peeks in, looks around, pulls pin on thread grenade*

Peugeot's were sorta popular in the northeast back in the day. Sorta like Saab's and Volvo's. Sandler or his friends probably had one back in high school...

Segway: $2.500/hp. That's a negative in my book.

After a certain horsepower, don't you hit diminishing returns?

@narf: You're probably right. I think the MB had 1.8 million. Go Irv, you mileage monger!

Well, in diesel form anyways...

This is the model that owns the Guiness Book of World Records for longest distance traveled.

Balanced. Honest. Perfectly, completely sweet person. With qualities like these, you forgive the boots without a second thought. And THAT'S what makes her so great.

@BSAKat: Thanks for clarifying the irony I was hinting at. Nice assist.

@selfhatingotaku: Ever checked out the Renault R5 Turbo? Sports Car Market says they're worth about $17k if you can find one. Over 3,500 were made.

Economy and performance? Turbocharged Hayabusa-powered Lotus Elise? Your call.

Who says we can't have both? Just need a little push, that's all. It's un-American to do without when you don't have to.

Does anyone else see the investment opportunity here? Find out what companies supply the parts and what materials they need (versus infrastructure), then snoop from there. Battery components, charge controllers, regenerative braking system components, whatever; I smell so much opportunity here it's not even funny.