
Ha! I slay me with my typo's. Let's go with "regarded" for $200, Alex.

First, I won't try to compare to any of the disastrous roads mentioned above. I will say that the road mentioned below is openly regraded as 4x4 territory. Having driven it, I must concur. No normal sedan would survive.

@OldeEnglishD: Hear hear! COTD! With a little push, I think we can justify the Danica Patrick SI pic just one more time! C'mon, Jalopnik - FTW, let's make it happen!

The net value of the comments posted far exceeds that of the car itself. Leave it to wither, continue marching, there's nothing to see here.

2CV (Rally LeMons candidate!)

Looks ... depressed.

"Amy Winehouse Looks Bloody Awful"

@TurboBrick: I own a Volvo 850R and it's great. Utterly reliable, powerful, handles well, looks better than an inverted tub, and is reasonably inexpensive to maintain. Classic? Not likely. But absolutely, it's been a pleasant experience. It's a '97 with 44k, bought in '05 with 12k.

Rarity, beauty, technological significance, cultural impact, originality and performance are some of the factors.

With that compressed video, all I see is Beavis driving an updated flying shingle...

Just saw the Miata option. Nice. How about a Franken-miata: Miata with the new Subaru boxer diesel? Shoehorn it in, hook it up, roll on. OR — this won't be under $10k but it's neat — find an Elise and stuff a TDi in there. MegaMPG.

$10k, eh?

Don Dunklees Solar Scooter.

Turning left in three... two... one...

There was a time when muscle cars were killed by rising fuel costs and emissions restrictions, right? Am I the only one who sees parallels here? Admittedly, the car is good, but is it good enough to keep people at the party when the music stops?

4 seat convertibles? Any country, any era? Like anyone's going to read this deep into the thread...

Late entry here, and probably nothing extraordinary to note, but hey, I'll throw something out there. I spent 10 years as a gymnast; started "late" at 12, competed DIV I through college. Graduated, earned a Master's in Sports Psych 8 years later. Worked with some high level athletes thereafter. While some of these

Call 911! Go on, admit you've thought about it: imagine updating a scrappy 911 with one of these engines. Stout underpinnings, great handling, lightweight car, torquey turbodiesel engine... Anyone else see the autocross potential here?