
10 years on an ambulance, I’ve seen cops arrest people on DUIs who were hypoglycemic due to their diabetes, symptoms of which are very similar to drunkenness. We get called when the patient loses consciousness. The medical ID bracelet should be a clue, but cops see what they want to see. 

Bringing your own cooler of Bud Light seems like a very valid reason to be barred from ANY club.

I have never been so glad to have cancer.

I also think he’s going to win, and here’s how I expect the following four years to play out.

Starring this further to say “Change the headline.” I thought the exact same thing.

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

First of all, since the fuck when is an open door cause for 5-0 to be all up in yoiur house, peeping in and shooting from outside like they don’t have any goddamn sense?

There’s a real tone in this article that Reese is somehow to blame, or responsible for what happened. I’m really tired of women getting the blame for men’s bad actions. She left Phillipe 16 years ago. Even though she has to maintain a co-parenting relationship with him-in 2017 their children were both still minors-his

Meanwhile this wet taint just sold the Kurds down the river as well as any prospect of knocking ISIS out (for now, anyway) just because he got out-maneuvered like an old lady in a mobility scooter with a dying battery by Erdogan. The Kurds are expendable, he later claimed, because they didn’t help us in World War II.


Wow, you can always count on the Fraternal Order of the Police to object to any steps to hold police accountable.

I’m surprised he hasn’t hearby ordered the inquiry to stop. 

Trust me, those of us who live here know all about it. But every time something happens to break the stranglehold, like restoring felon rights, the GOP outmaneuvers us. Every time. 

Shut up, tomato.

Portal 2, it's a video game.  The potato is used as a battery to power the evil AI character as an emergency.

what on earth is the source of this gif? I must know immediately.

Ohio checkin’ in...

Judge: Here’s a young Black man without a criminal record; let’s change that.

How many? Not anywhere near as many as should.

He’s a DO (which is not a bad thing, I have worked with a lot of fine DOs and they are qualified to be primary care practitioners, internists and family practice docs) but he is NOT an OB/GYN, he is NOT a specialist, and he does NOT have research credentials, having not done anything like a post-doctoral fellowship.

I’m probably gonna get slammed for saying this but to me this reeks of the monstrous “medical experiments” the Nazis sanctioned. This guy is no longer a doctor, he’s a nutjob happily endangering women.