
I am one, in London, and I agree. I fucking hate cyclists. Especially MAMILs!

You are never going to give up your guns, so why not accept that and find another way. Why not make every single person that purchases a gun attend classes with people affected by guns?

Xena was SO much better than the Hercules series. Were they planning on using the same writers in some capacity?

I don’t want to be Chad Guye but cancelled is misspelled.

88:88 in 8, 8, 8...

FAKE NEWS: if it’s an LCD clock it is always wrong when broken

Finally! A face to go with the signature. Another mystery solved.

‘The Trump Experience’ sounds like a ride a the shittest theme park

Not unless you’re listening to Sade

What a fucking rube


Roady McRoadface

Sorry to hear this mate, it sounds like you’re no longer the child in that relationship. At least you can be what your mother wasn’t for your own children.

EVERYTHING is done in public now

Horrific as that is, ‘Pencil Terrorist’ is rather catchy



Is this a satirical comment?

The muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane?

Holy shit. That is mental!