dsigned001 - O.R.C. hunter

I was wondering if you could strike a happy medium where a refurbished engine was allowed something like double certain emissions, instead of 10-50 times the emissions. I wouldn’t expect an owner to be meeting emissions regs he didn’t have to, so I expect you’re right under current regulations.

That looks like a pretty generic fob to me. Not larger or smaller than a normal for, not made of precious metal... Honestly I kind of think Tesla has the right idea with just using your phone, with a rfid card as a backup. No reason to have another thing cluttering my pockets.

I think it ought to be possible to fit modern stuff onto the old engines. If you’re zeroing the engine hours anyway, putting a modern EFI system with modern turbos, pistons, etc. should be relatively straight forward. But I suppose if it actually was people would be doing it?

Is the issue that modern stuff is direct injection? Seems like you could rework exhaust, intake, fuel injectors and turbos and get within 90% of modern regulations.

Only problem with this AFAIK would be cd. I love an old Kenworth as much as the next red blooded American, but they're shaped like actual bricks...

No, we should imprison Volkswagen executives instead. Nevermind that the difference in emissions for every Volkswagen on the road is roughly equivalent to a single container ship starting up.

Carbureted... shivers... Actually, I guess if there was anywhere a carbureted car would do just fine, it's California. I'm in Colorado, so I thank my lucky stars for fuel injection.

Fly of color?

I can picture a Dad who's a paratrooper vet getting very in to dropping his kids off...

Well, what’s the profitability of FCA? Are you suggesting that Fiat engage in a profit sharing scene with the workers? Or maybe that Fiat move to an employee-owned business model?

I can’t fathom that people are defending the steaming piles of shit that have been vomited on that was the prequels. I was like...12? when the first one came out, and I was still old loathe it. TLJ has no kid Anakin, no Jar Jar, no Padme-I-can’t-emote. No “I don’t like sand”. No “I have the high ground!”. The writing,

PIA has been very much worth the $$. The associated software is pretty painless, and has Linux support to boot.

PIA has been very much worth the $$. The associated software is pretty painless, and has Linux support to boot.

I would say that they haven’t failed even if they do chain their doors. There are five thousand more model 3's this week than there were last week. More Tesla model 3's produced in the last week than the entire run of most Ferrari models.

The point is, even if they closed up shop tomorrow, there are tens of thousands

Sorry, that was supposed to be “lower”. But your buddy’s experience I think is the exception, not the rule. I’ll see if I can find any actual data to back up that intuition.

That’s the point. People are trying to use Tesla’s reliability as some evidence of impending collapse. But there are tons of automakers that have existed for much longer without ever making a car as reliable as a Tesla. It’s not too say Tesla shouldn't make reliable cars (or even that they don't). Just that in the

You honestly think the average time in the shop for a Maserati is higher than for a Tesla?

I’m not exactly sure what you’re saying. Are you saying you would buy a Jaguar or a Range Rover or an Alfa Romeo, but not a Tesla because a Tesla still has “a lot of moving parts”, even though the Tesla has (by all accounts) better build quality and reliability than any of them? And this ostensibly because you’re

I mean, I think the only companies that can legitimately do that are Honda, Toyota and maybe Hyundai. Anything British? HA. Anything Italian? No. Anything German? If you follow the maintenance schedule perfectly then maybe, just maybe you won’t drop $10000 on a new part assembly. But you probably will regardless.

I’m not sure the bolt is selling well enough for GM to be “ramping up”, but suffice to say that GM isn’t producing Bolts as fast as Tesla is producing the Model 3.