
Kameron would have made an excellent Kim.

Most of his models seemed to be having such a good time during his shows.

Why does Meghan always do that very pronounced arched back thing in her photos with him? It looks like she’s in the middle of a swoon and he’s the only thing keeping her from falling.

I misread it as ballbuster.

I generally despise a tank top on on a man, but on him with that beard and those glasses? Super hot. What is wrong with me?!?!?

Same, but the order would be different. After Richard Ayoade on his travel show and seeing all his snark and snazzy wardrobe I find him most definitely not a shameful shag at all.

For me it was Lady Beware.

Could go with Dale, too, but not as many would get that one.

I like R.I.P. pretty well.

I still listen to “I Be Like Whoa” and “Go Go Go”. No shame here.

I think he’s cute, but I have a thing for gingers. When I saw the headline my first thought was “I could be the meat in a Harry/Ed sandwich”.

His Top 40 radio music isn’t my cup of tea. However, “Bloodstream” is a great song and so is the “Make It Rain” song he did for Sons of Anarchy. Hopefully he will do more in that bluesy vein and less in the pop mode.

That dress makes her body look like a Barbie doll in the arm area.

Did you cry as much as I did when you found out about Henry?

Stoked for this and the second season of Dragula, also coming out at Halloween.

I’ve tried for YEARS to find the episode where Jamie and Paul fight because it was the most real thing that show ever did, but no luck. YouTube had the first two parts, but somehow the actual fight wasn’t uploaded. Ughhhhh.

I just got an avocado seed to root, after trying several times. I’m totally growing one in my apartment.

Amazon has them, too. They have been trying to tempt me with emails about them.

Adds a new meaning to “Get to know me!”

Former Wal-mart employee here: We used to call the fitting room the shitting room for that very reason.