Pete Buttjudge does not believe in evolution because he was born perfect.
Pete Buttjudge does not believe in evolution because he was born perfect.
Damn right. The Muslims arent the only ones who know how to terrorist! If you oppress Christians, they’ll become a bunch of violent, bloodthirsty psycopaths. #LibtardLogic
Totally. That’s why Pete Buttjudge knows that Mohammed is a fake prophet. He doesn’t even like beer, bra, not even the cheap domestic kind!
Will only agree if the mosques are also 100% taxed. Pete Buttjudge hates Muslims more than he likes Christians.
Wow, bra! You’re not going to believe it but I agree with you completely. Stripping religion of tax free status is awesome. Buttjudge is a noted Islamophobe and anything that screws the towelheads is something Buttjudge can endorse, bra!
I just locked a six pack of imported beer in my cooler, bra!
Well, if may say so, corruption has never looked so good. What are those like $12,000 suits? Looking good, gents.
Sounds like a hell of a guy, bra! I bet he drinks imported Hungarian beer too!
Oh, Jackie boy, this is like what your 5th Brit article in just over 2 days? Really trying hard to stay relevant, eh? Personally, I much prefer stories about illegals getting deported from the good old USA. Don’t get me wrong, Brexit makes me hard, but I guess things that are closer to home leave a bigger impact in my…
What a humbug! The libtards are enjoying their moment of wokeness. Don’t ruin it by reminding them that nothing will change and Brexit will happen. Boris isn’t going to apologize for pointing out Muslim women do dress like garbage bags and there’s nothing British about that.
Yeah, because they were typically formed by kicking the British out.
Yeah, if only we had invaded and colonized half the world, they too may have adapted our systems and language. Shame.
I think you mean those pesky voters are telling their elected libtard that he works for them.
Corbyn is a fucking loser who has no plan. Labor doesn’t oppose Brexit, Labor doesn’t stand for anything. All they know is they don’t like Boris.
We both know it’s never gonna happen, bra! Libtards are too pussy to begin impeachment.
lol. Another day of woketards getting their shots in but for those of us keeping our eye on the prize, we know Brexit is still coming October 31 to a theatre near you! Corbyn is too incompetent to stop it.
Come on, bra!. You don’t want Tubman on the $20. That’s the stripper note, bra! Haven’t you ever been at the club, knocking back a few imported beers, and handing out 20s like there’s no tomorrow, bra?
Oh shit. We got some libtard on libtard action right here! FINISH HIM!
The British began ruling India in the 1600s but don’t let the facts get in the way wokeness. But yes, this great nation was built by the genius of the whites guiding labor in the right direction. When you have the steady hand of the whites, you get Rhodesia, South Africa, Europe or America. When the blacks take over…
Oh, dear. Katherine, you’re even more white than Dick Martin and Pocahontas. Should you be writing this? When is Gawker hiring their next 1/1024th Cherokee white guy?