I will wait for the curated list. Too much stuff to handle !
I will wait for the curated list. Too much stuff to handle !
Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3. For the next 2 or 3 month probably!
He shouldn’t just say I have money, I dont care.
Looks more like a glitch than anything else to me.
We are cool to wait a few months for the PC release... just do it right.
Done this every time... in my case totaly fault of Deckard.
I found one that started to take selfies of him with me on background from the window... I laughed so hard...
I have spend a lot of time just playing with this game physics.
The matrioska doll in the Rusian Embassy. Just shoot it with your pistol... glorious attention to detail.
Who is to say, that without the attention they got thanks to all this videos and media coverage they would even have sold that?
I’m lvl 28 and just killed him and his minions like 3 hours ago... yay!
Come on give me a break! Time to start saving up gold again I guess.
4th dimension... yea another BS like all thouse games claiming to be... Wait this is actualy time and space and no 4D promotional marketing BS! yay :)
That game looks... pretty bad. Wouldn’t play that even if it’s free.
Played for 8-10 hours aprox... I don’t get what people like so much about this game... I mean I think its a good little game... something like what you could find in newgrounds but in steroids. All that hype and apraisal just escapes me.
If I have to choose shorter videos or cut par of the story to fit it in the disc and go for a streaming video option and go all in... I mean c’mon.
I thought that wasn’t a real commercial O_O’
Same feeling here, it was insta-winner :)