
Daenerys Targaryen :)

Her name is not Khaleesi fyi.. that's her title

I have no firm grasp on the American revolution just like you do not have a firm grasp on the Sandinista revolution. We saw one tyrant leave for another to replace him, and not only a tyrant but a hypocritical greedy thief backed by others like him who destroyed the economy and stole the people's lands.

Correct. It's designed to be used with mouse and keyboard. Whether you'll eventually be able to use it on PC and port your creations to consoles remains to be seen.

Why are you acting condescendingly as if though I'm American and am supposed to know everything about the American revolution?

Was it a single established political party with an actual name?

In the American revolution, there wasn't a single party that ruled and did atrocities during the interim before properly electing a president. And it was during this interim that the contras were created.

No, stop seeing things that aren't there. Just because I think a gang is scum doesn't mean I think they should be gang-banged by another gang. I was just saying that not everything is black and white, while the article implies that the USA/Contras are the absolute bad guys and the Sandinistas are the innocent victims.

No, that's how YOU read it. My statement implies that the FSLN isn't some innocent victim like the article implies.

I never said such a thing. Stop putting words in my mouth. I do not condone the Contras or America's meddling. I just happen to not condone what the Sandinistas did either.

At the time of the elections nobody was complaining, but a year later everyone realized that Ortega's rule was not exactly an improvement over Somoza's. Ask anyone who was around in Nicaragua during the late 80s.

Do you even know what the contras are? They have nothing to do with Hugo Chavez.

Woah, woah woah. Get your shit straight. The contras didn't oppose a democratically elect government... There was nothing democratic about how the FSLN and Daniel Ortega rose to power. #corrections

Call of Duty. I actually enjoy it, but it's too popular for its own good and other games are being affected by it. I say kill it.

... that's not a crossbow.

Mechanical keyboards are loud

Indeed. Kotaku seems to know nothing about pro gaming because they implied that you don't need a "cool head" in it, but in fact, a cool head is what will allow you to become the best in pro gaming.

Same chipset? hahahahahahah

Agreed. Also, add skiing in Tribes to your list.

You didn't provide an explanation :\