The thing is, it's not just "another" FPS. We haven't had this type of game this generation.
The thing is, it's not just "another" FPS. We haven't had this type of game this generation.
Pay to win* #corrections
So he should have built a fence while the dogs were attacking his goats?
They are, but this is clearly a toy that is specifically Portal. Who cares anyways, they already changed the title.
They changed the title. It originally said "meet the cutest Half-Life toy yet"
How is this a Half-Life toy?
Yeah, money and aggression seems to be the issue here. If it was a table tennis tournament, the outcome would probably have been the same.
I can't say I find them creepy. In fact, they make me giggle.
It's a modified Unreal engine. It is not the Source engine.
lol, I'd really like to know how this commercial is brilliant.
Everything you see is subject to change. There was a point at which they didn't even have hands.
Where do you live? Finding an American server is not hard at all.
What's stopping you from playing 2142?
second hint: exclusives sell really good
I wonder why.
Can you really call it a M&B ripoff when they have the same publisher and a few developers who worked on M&B are working on this game?
They didn't say it would come out this spring, they said they were aiming for a spring release. Very different things.
Nope, not a joke, and the only notable glitch was BXR. The rest didn't hamper the experience at all.
Halo 2 didn't have a beta.