
Yeah, PC gaming. You know, that whole experience that is far superior to anything consoles can produce. I'm sure you've heard of it.

If you thought BF3's MP was bland, I'm guessing you either played it on consoles or FPS just aren't your thing. Or you only played the beta...

Why offer the consoles? Because I can guarantee you that there is more than a handful of idiots that have no clue how much an Alienware PC costs

I take it you didn't touch the multiplayer.

So to you, realistic sound and graphics means the game is trying to be realistic?

You have yet to mention anything about BF3 that is realistic other than it uses real-life weapons and vehicles.

Funny thing is, Red Orchestra is realistic in everything you mentioned except the respawning and weapon proficiency. Though the respawning is handled far more realistically than in other games — there are respawn waves that simulate re-inforcements.

There are plenty of PC games that try to be realistic. Look up the ArmA and Red Orchestra series.

There's a difference between realism and pseudo-realism. BF3 is the latter.

How in the hell did you come to the conclusion that BF3 tries to be realistic? Did the magical boxes that heal you give it away?

You made a mistake though. If you pre-ordered the game, you got the Back to Karkand expansion for free. Now you'll have to pay for that. I doubt BF3 will have dropped in price by the time the issues are fixed anyways, so you might as well have bought the game and simply not played it until the issues were fixed.

Why would it be Farsi when that's in Iraq?

You've misread me all along it seems. I'm not saying its methods are unique, I'm saying the combination of its methods is unique. No other FPS plays like Battlefield and that is a fact.

You still use the flawed logic of comparing feature by feature when you should be comparing the overall experience.

Did you really just imply that WaW and Halo are like BF3? You know nothing about FPS, lol.

You don't define an experience by individually comparing features. Everything is a remix, and the value lies within the sum of its parts.

That is shoddy reasoning at best.

Comparing feature by feature is a pointless venture.

I thought it was obvious? The multiplayer. BF games used to not even have a single-player component.

The single-player is generic, yes, but that's hardly what BF3 is about.