
If you weren't able to tell that it was a fake post... I don't know what to say

Judge after you play. There have been lots of skeptics who ended up loving it.

I really hope Kinect will drop in price by the time this comes out... headtracking is so tempting.

no respawning by itself isn't a bad thing if the game is designed well...

Depends on the game. CoD would feel like a drag at more than 5 hours.

I love the part where the kid is chatting with herself in a word processor

or at least make it so all you have to do is input your age... not your entire birth date

Crysis 2 is less demanding, but I couldn't say how well you'll play it on that setup...

Not even close

I'm puzzled as to how you somehow came to the conclusion that charles was both a PC lover and being defensive

When someone is cornering you and humiliating you in front of people, you don't think things through. Sure, he should have kept his cool, but what he did is natural.

I see multiplayer as a value multiplier. I get far more value from MP as the replayability is extended.

Now playing

Haha, nice try, we all know hacking attempts actually look like this

BAHAHAH, that is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. Thanks for that

My $600 PC can max Crysis 2 just fine at 1680x1050.

yes, it does look WAYYY better. This video does not do the comparison justice.

less lag?

The guy claiming that consoles couldn't handle that many trees is absolutely correct.

Are you seriously implying that you can't play PC on a couch? You do realize all modern video cards have an HDMI port and you can just plug in your 360 controller to your PC, right?